Official history of the Army Reserve
The essential mission of the Office of Army Reserve History is to write the official history of the Army Reserve. This history not only provides a comprehensive account of Army Reserve activities in peace and war, but also serves as an important tool in the on-going training of officers and noncommissioned officers in the profession of arms.
The Publications Section prepares and publishes historical monographs and special historical studies on topics and events of historical significance to the Army Reserve or the Army such as histories of units deployed in the Global War on Terrorism; prepares the Annual Army Reserve Historical Summary in accordance with Army regulations and guidelines; coordinates component-wide historical research and publication efforts, to include development of the Army Reserve Historical Publications Plan encompassing historical products of the Army Reserve community; conducts technical review and evaluation of all subordinate unit and installation annual histories and provides professional training for personnel assigned to perform historical duties at Army Reserve - North, Army Reserve - South and at subordinate commands.