Arlington Heights, Illinois

Master Sgt. Vicky Brown, Senior Human Resources Non-commissioned Officer, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, was honored during the WNBA's Chicago Sky 'Military Moment' home game, September 6, 2024. Brown was honored for her 17 years of service, in front of 9,000 spectators, along with her son, Ty, in attendance. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Army Reserve Soldiers, assigned to the 1304th Military Police Company, received a welcome home ceremony from Chicagoland Soldiers, local surrounding police departments and community of Arlington Heights to include their Mayor, Thomas Hayes, August 27, 2024. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Chicagoland Army Reserve Soldiers, assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, partnered with the Arlington Heights Police Department, August 26, 2024, for an Active Shooter training exercise to test their preparedness of staffs and organization practices. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Observer coach/trainers, assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command's 1-338th Training Support Battalion, conducted range operations, at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, in preparation for a stateside mobilization where they will train rotational units, ahead of overseas deployments and missions. Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley, newly assigned commanding general of the 85th USARSC visited Fort McCoy to observe and review the OC/Ts during their mobilization preparation events during the month of August. The 1-338th TSBN OC/Ts, who provide direct support to First Army's 181st Multi-Functional Training Brigade, provided the following key training events there: night driver's training, commo training, and qualification on the M-9 Baretta, M-17 Sig Sauer, M-16 rifle, M-4 carbine, M-249 Squad Automatic Weapon, M-240 Bravo machine gun, M-2 .50 caliber machine gun, Mk 19 Automatic Grenade Launcher and the M-320 Grenade Launcher. (U.S. Army video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Sgt. Maria Johanna Yu, CBRN OC/T, 1-338th Training Support Battalion, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares her story of service and why she serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
The 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command held their annual CSM Summit at the Command headquarters, August 1-4, 2024. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Soldiers assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command participated, along with various community members, in the Rolling Meadows Touch a Truck community event, June 21, 2024, to allow local families the opportunity to climb inside community service trucks from the fire department, police, sanitation department and even a zamboni ice resurfacer. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Capt. Rofael Watts, Observer Coach/Trainer, 3-348th Training Support Battalion, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares his story of service and why he serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Observer coach/trainers, from the 2-346th Training Support Battalion and the 3-348th TSBN, along with mechanics from the 3-349th Logistic Support Battalion, all assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, conducted coaching and readiness validation support to First Army's 177th Armored Brigade during XCTC 24-01 during the months of May and June 2024, to prepare Soldiers from the Louisiana National Guard's 256th Infantry Brigade, ahead of deployments. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker and Staff Sgt. David Lietz)
Master Sgt. Robert Maresh, G-3 Mobilization Cell, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, was honored during the Chicago Cubs’ military salute game, May 17, 2024, at Wrigley Field. Maresh served 11 years on active duty and then 17 years with the U.S. Army Reserve, where he continues to serve. He has served on three combat tours and four deployments to Kosovo, along with overseas duty in Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Germany, and France. Maresh's top awards include The Bronze Star, Combat Action Badge, nine Army Commendation medals, the silver category for the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge and the German Schutzenschnur Badge for proficiency in rifle and pistol marksmanship. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
The 85th United States Army Reserve Support Command G1 conducted a Human Resources Management Training, May 6-10, 2024, for brigade S1s, and reserve component HR professionals to expand on their HR practices and receive the most up-to-date information on 85th USARSC policies and procedures. The training provided first-hand presentations from subject matter experts and guest speakers, as well as provided hands-on training on new U.S. Army Reserve personnel systems. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony Taylor)
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers from the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command joined various military organizations with Chicago's Polish community to celebrate the 2024 Chicago Polish Constitution Day parade, May 4, 2024. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
The Chicago White Sox honored Staff Sgt. Christina House, Senior Human Resource Noncommissioned Officer, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, as Hero of the Game during their game vs Tampa Rays game, April 26, 2024, recognizing her service in the U.S. Army And U.S. Army Reserve (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Lt. Col. Danielle Smith, Military Equal Opportunity Program Manager, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares her story of service and why she serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Force Protection Soldiers, that conduct Armed Guard details for the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, conducted their M17 weapons qualification, at Marseilles Training Center, April 18, 2024. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Maj. Gregory Poulos, Deputy Command Chaplain, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares his story of service and why he serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Maj. Kristin Wudtke, Headquarters and Headquarters Company Commander, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares her story of service and why she serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
This year for the African American/Black History Month observance, Mrs. Yolanda Webb, the Military Equal Opportunity Specialist, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, visited Chicago, in a self-guided tour, to explore Chicago's Black Renaissance. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah Fogle, Force Protection NCO, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares his story of service and why he serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
In remembering the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, two of the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command's Soldiers share their family members' story of service on that fateful day and what would lead to a legacy of family service. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker) (Narration by U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. David Lietz)
Col. David Ho'olana'ikamana'o Mo'ikeha, Command Surgeon, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares his story of service and why he serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers, assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command and 485th Engineer Company, partnered with the Arlington Heights Police Department to conduct an active shooter training exercise to test responses, reactions and capabilities of the training audience, August 31, 2023. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
The 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, headquartered out of Chicago, held a Command Sergeants Major Training Summit with command sergeants major from across their 45 battalions, to build on leadership skills and support staff actions. Throughout the four-day summit, CSMs discussed career management, quota management, schools requests, OML development, Jr/Sr promotions, training management, administrative systems and physical training. Command Sgt. Maj. Andrew Lombardo, Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Reserve Command, attended the summit as well as Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher Prosser, Command Sergeant Major, First Army. U.S. Army Reserve and First Army, both three-star headquarters commands, share a multi-component partnership between their respective Army Reserve and active duty observer coach/trainers to support the mission of preparing mobilizing reserve and National Guard forces, ahead of mobilizations and deployments. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Command Sgt. Maj. Scott C. White, Command Sergeant Major, 2-360th Training Support Battalion, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares his story of service and why he serves, after 42 years of service. White, recently attended the 85th USARSC's Command Sergeants Major Summit where the Command's battalion sergeants majors attend to network with command staffs, other battalion CSMs and work through issues and best practices. During this CSM Summit, the attendees learned that White, who is now preparing for retirement with his family ,enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1981 and has served in various capacities in the rank of sergeant major since 2002. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command observer coach/trainers, assigned to the 1-340th Training Support Battalion, with direct support to First Army's 181st Multi-Functional Training Brigade, traveled to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin for their extended combat training to mentor and coach Army Reserve military police units, in preparation for mobilizations and deployments, during the Army Reserve's August Combat Support Training Exercise. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Women's' Equality Day, August 26th, is a time to acknowledge the importance of the Women's Suffrage Movement and its impact on the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. In this video, we explore Chicago to learn more how two ladies: Jane Addams and Ida B. Wells contributed to that effort. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Pershing Strike is a Total-Army effort from all three of the U.S. Army's Army Reserve, National Guard and active duty components. It is led by U.S. Army Forces Command and executed by First Army to test Mobilization Force Generation Installations' abilities to conduct large scale mobilization operations in support of large-scale combat operations. 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command observer coach/trainers, under First Army's 157th Infantry Brigade, supported the exercise to assist in building ready units for deployments. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker & 157th Infantry Brigade Public Affairs Office)
The 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command Chaplain's office conducted a Building Strong and Ready Teams event, during the headquarter's battle assembly, July 15, 2023. The four-hour block of training, formerly known as Strong Bonds, now is unit-focused and builds on Soldier-to-Soldier relationships to grow resiliency, camaraderie, and be a force multiplier. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Soldiers assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command marched in the Village of Rolling Meadows Independence Day parade, July 4, 2023. Shortly a month after celebrating the U.S. Army's 248th birthday, Soldiers today continue to support the spirit and ideals of the founders by defending liberty and free people around the world. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
A Basic Skills Education Program was held in the Chicago land area, from June 5-14, 2023, for Soldiers who wanted to increase their Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test score. This was the first time the BSEP was hosted in the Chicago land area. The 9th Battalion, Army Reserve Careers Group partnered with the Fort McCoy Education Center to host the course for Soldiers attempting to improve their ASVAB scores. The BSEP is a free service offered to Army Soldiers aspiring to advance their careers in positions where higher ASVAB scores are required; i.e. commissioning programs, civil affairs, drill sergeant positions, and many more. The BSEP course is a readiness tool available to Soldiers and unit commanders, and serves as a force multiplier. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
June is Army Heritage Month, centered around the U.S. Army's birthday on June 14. The Army was founded in 1775 when the Continental Congress authorized the enlistment of expert riflemen to serve in the American Continental Army. In observing Army Heritage Month and the U.S. Army's birthday, we reflect on a few major conflicts and those who served across the U.S. Army's 248 years of service. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
The 85th USARSC’s formation is made up of more than 3,500 Army Reserve Soldiers, spread across 45 battalions in 25 states. These Soldiers make up half of First Army’s formation and provide observer/coach trainer and logistical support, across a variety of military occupational specialties, for First Army’s mission of mobilizing and deploying forces. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
U.S. Army Reserve Spc. Ryan Schweihs, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, along with first responders, veterans and various community members were welcomed by students from Pleasant Hill Elementary school in Palatine, Illinois, during a 'Make a Difference Week' school assembly, April 17, 2023, where students learned more about different roles that support a community. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Sgt. 1st Class Tony-James Beyer, Chief Paralegal Non-commissioned Officer, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares his story of service and why he serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
The 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command held their annual Battalion Command Teams Training event introducing newly assigned, reserve component battalion commanders and command sergeants major to the multi-component partnership between First Army and the 85th USARSC. The reserve component CMD Teams take command of their battalions which support the active component battalions under the First Army formation. The 85th USARSC's more than 3500 Soldiers, across 25 states, make up half of the First Army formation, providing observer, coach trainers that support First Army to prepare mobilizing and deploying forces. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Master Sgt. Ebony Evans, Senior Financial Manager, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares her story of service and why she serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
A Building Strong and Ready Teams event was held by the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command's Chaplain's office, February 25-26, 2023, at Fort Meade, Maryland, to increase resiliency in Soldiers. The training builds on techniques that strengthen relationships for couples to co-workers and builds on one's interpersonal skills. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
This year, Martin Luther King Jr. holiday observance falls on Monday, January 16, 2023. In this year's holiday observance video, Yolanda Owens, Military Equal Opportunity specialist for the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, discusses the Chicago Freedom Movement that Dr. King took part in that helped push the passage of the federal Fair Housing Act in 1968. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Army Reserve Soldiers and Civilians, from the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, visited Elk Grove Village Cemetery, located 25 miles northwest of Chicago, to take part in a wreath laying ceremony coordinated by the Daughters of the American Revolution (Eli Skinner Chapter) and the Wreaths Across America Foundation to present wreaths on the graves of military veterans and first responders. While Elk Grove Village Cemetery is a small cemetery alongside the Interstate 90 off-ramp, it is the home for veterans dating back to the American Revolution. The only two American Revolutionary War veterans are buried there: Eli Skinner and Aaron Miner. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
Staff Sgt. Andrew Raynor, Command Chaplains Office, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, shares his story of service and why he serves. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Army Reserve Soldiers, assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command joined in a Veterans' luncheon, November 9, 2022, where they sat down with local veterans from the neighboring Church Creek Senior Assisted Living Center in Arlington Heights, Illinois, and celebrated service. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Alberto Vega was honored, October 26, 2022, during the National Hockey League Chicago Blackhawks' Hispanic Heritage Night home game vs. Florida Panthers. Vega, stepped out onto the ice with recently retired Sgt. 1st Class Frank Gutierrez. Vega has served on two deployments in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve, across his 10-year career. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Anthony L. Taylor)
Active Guard and Reserve Soldiers conduct the Army Combat Fitness Test at the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command headquarters, October 20, 2022. AGR Soldiers conduct the ACFT twice a year as part of the Army's Holistic Health and Fitness maintaining Soldiers' physical and mental well-being and keeping in line with the Army's fitness culture. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Anthony L. Taylor)
The 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command held their annual Brigade Command Teams Training event introducing First Army's newly assigned, active component brigade commander and command sergeants major to the multi-component partnership between First Army and the 85th USARSC. The active component CMD Teams take command of their brigades which are made up of active component and reserve component battalions. The 85th USARSC's more than 3500 Soldiers, across 25 states, make up half of the First Army formation, providing observer, coach trainers that support First Army to prepare mobilizing and deploying forces. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. David Lietz)
Chicago's 70th Annual Columbus Day parade celebrated Italian American culture, along with a 150 floats and displays across a range of diverse cultures. Local Sailors from Great Lakes Naval Base, along with Army Reserve Soldiers from Arlington Heights, Illinois, participated in the parade and shared insights on Italian American contributions to the country.
Master Sgt. Laroy Warren, G1 Mobilization NCO, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, discusses a physical fitness program that he implemented for the Soldiers of the Command more than three years ago. Since the inception of the program, Soldiers from neighboring units as well as Department of Defense employees have joined the program that is open to all who can make it before the work day. Warren, who holds a deep passion for Soldier professionalism and fitness, conducts the training at no cost to individuals to provide Army Reserve Soldiers access to a fitness program, much like morning physical fitness on an active duty installation. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command partnered with the 416th Theater Engineer Command to conduct an individual weapons qualification on the 9mm pistol at Marseilles Training Center, September 22, 2022.
Command Sgt. Maj. Steven Slee, Command Sergeant Major, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, held a CSM Training Summit for all of the 85th USARSC's CSMs to create an environment of networking and discussing key focus areas for the Command and it's subordinate leaders. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Erika Whitaker)
Sgt. Acosta shares a glimpse of her life serving part-time in the U.S. Army Reserve. Find out what serving part-time in the Army Reserve -- at least one weekend a month, two weeks a year -- could mean for YOU at www.goarmyreserve.com
Army Reserve Soldier honored during Chicago Sky WNBA game
Master Sgt. Vicky Brown, of the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, is honored by the Chicago Sky, Women's National Basketball Association team, during an on court “Military Moment of the Game” service recognition at a home game versus the Los Angeles Sparks at Wintrust Arena, September 06, 2024, in Chicago. 
(U.S. Army Reserve photo by Capt. Michael Ariola)
Sept. 12, 2024 - “Representing the Army Reserve tonight at a Chicago Sky game in my hometown, in front of my family, was a humbling experience and incredible opportunity,” said Master Sgt. Vicky Brown, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command...

Chicago’s 2024 Steuben Parade welcomes Army Reserve Soldier as honored guest
Chicago’s 58th Annual Von Steuben Parade honors Master Sgt. Jason Ottinger, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, as an honored guest during Saturday's parade, September 07, 2024. The United German American Societies of Greater Chicago sponsored the parade that showcased numerous marching units and floats from various community and ethnic organizations. 
(U.S. Army Reserve photo by Capt. Michael J. Ariola)
Sept. 11, 2024 - “As both a U.S. Soldier and German-American, it was a profound honor to represent the Army Reserve in the (Von) Steuben Parade, said Master Sgt. Jason Ottinger, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command. “The experience of...

Chicagoland Army Reserve general is honored with first pitch during state champion baseball tournament
Soldiers from the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command present the Nation’s Colors during the playing of the National Anthem, August 7, 2024, at the American Legion Post 76-hosted state champion baseball tournament for the Great Lakes region.
(U.S. Army Reserve photo by Lt. Col. Brian Dunn)
Aug. 15, 2024 - American Legion Post 76 hosted the state champion baseball tournament for the Great Lakes region, August 7, 2024, where Brig. Gen. Michael Shanley, Commanding General, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, delivered the...

Army Reserve OC/T battalion trains their own for upcoming mobilization
Observer coach/ trainers assigned to 1-338th Training Support Battalion, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, shout out their unit motto ‘Badgers Marchons’ during range qualification in preparation for a stateside mobilization, August 7, 2024. The Soldiers trained on a wide variety of weapon systems and participated in night driver training to name a few key training events. They will teach and validate these same skills to rotational units as those units prepare for overseas deployments.
(U.S. Army Reserve photo by Staff Sgt. David Lietz)
Aug. 15, 2024 - Observer coach trainers assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command’s 1-338th Training Support Battalion, conducted range training operations in preparation for a stateside mobilization where they will train...

Active component OC/T lives total army force serving in an Army Reserve unit
Sgt. 1st Class Chris Duncan, an active-duty Soldier and senior observer coach trainer, assigned to 1-338th Training Support Battalion, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, is originally from Arkansas City, Kansas. He began his Army service as an infantryman and stressed that he is extremely passionate about serving as an observer coach/trainer. He will mark 21 years of service this November. The veteran Soldier served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. 
(U.S. Army Reserve photo by Staff Sgt. David Lietz)
Aug. 14, 2024 - “I’m extremely passionate about being an observer coach/trainer,” said Sgt. 1st Class Chris Duncan, Senior OC/T, 1-338th Training Support Battalion, based out of Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. “Our sole purpose is to ensure the...
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Brigadier General Michael Shanley
Commanding General, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command

Command Sergeant Major Jeremiah Kelly
Command Sergeant Major, 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command