"Army Reserve Employment Opportunities...You serve the Nation, let us serve you!"
P3O ensures Army Reserve Soldiers are succeeding in their civilian careers which directly benefits the Army and the Nation by bringing substantial value and depth to the force. More than 87% of the force integrates military service with civilian careers, providing the Army with professional skills, education, and expertise acquired in the private sector. Through collaboration with organizations offering job opportunities, and a nationwide network of corporate, profit/non-profit and academic partners, the Army Reserve's Private Public Partnership Office is increasing its efforts to connect Soldiers with internship, employment, and education opportunities. P3O is leveraging technology, management tools, social networking platforms, and hiring events - in collaboration with military and veteran service organizations such as Vet Jobs, Recruit Military, and others - to connect Soldiers and Families with employment opportunities.
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The Public Private Partnership Office (P3O) provides Soldiers, their Family members, and Veterans with assistance in finding employment or education opportunities with our vetted partners through our Army Reserve Employment Specialists and Transition Readiness Liaisons.

We assess every employer and training partner to ensure there's a mutually beneficial partnership that supports USAR Soldiers, their Families, and Veterans in obtaining meaningful employment or education and to ensure employers are gaining the talent they seek for their company.
P3 is Working for You!