The Deployment Health Assessment Program (DHAP) allows you to take proactive steps to protect your health and well-being and to ensure your military readiness. DHAP provides early identification of emerging deployment related health conditions and serves as a gateway to care and treatment.
There are three deployment health assessments (DHAs) taken during your deployment cycle:  1) the Pre-Deployment Health Assessment (Pre-DHA taken 120 days before your deployment; 2) the Post-Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA) taken 30 days before or after your redeployment; 3) and the Post-Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA) taken 90 - 180 days after your redeployment.
Deployment Health Assessment Cycle graphic


DHAs are required for all Soldiers and DA Civilians who deploy in support of any contingency operation to a location outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) without a fixed Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) for a period of 30 days or more. For OCONUS deployments of less than 30 days, OCONUS deployments to areas with fixed U.S. MTFs, and CONUS deployments, it is the operational Commander's decision whether a DHA is required.

The Pre, Post and Reassessment (PDHRA) all include three steps: (1) resilience training (Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness); (2) an electronic questionnaire (DD Form), and; (3) a confidential, one-on-one conversation with a health care provider.

Step 1: Resilience Training
Resilience Training is an important part of Soldier health, unit readiness and preparation for deployment – it is the first step in each DHA. Developed by Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2), the goal is to increase resilience and enhance performance by developing the five dimensions of strength: Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual and Family. The resilience trainings are based on 30-plus years of scientific studies and results and use individual assessments, tailored virtual training, classroom training and embedded resilience experts to provide the critical skills Soldiers and Army Civilians need. For more information about CSF2 or resilience training, please visit resources listed.
ArmyFit (Formerly known as GAT)
Resilience Training & Directorate:
Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness FAQs :
CSF2 Website: 
  • Soldier Fitness Tracker (DS Logon or CAC Required)
  • Soldier Fitness Tracker – DA Civilian (DS Logon or CAC Required)
Step 2: The Electronic Questionnaire
The electronic questionnaire portion of each DHA is accessed online through MODS/ MHA portal and the “Forms” tab will direct you to appropriate electronic form in MEDPROS For the Pre-DHA, the electronic form is DD2795. For the Post-DHA, the electronic form is DD2796. Lastly, for the Reassessment (PDHRA), the electronic form is DD2900. Each questionnaire is an opportunity for Soldiers and Army Civilians to be proactive about their health during the different deployment phases. The results are then discussed during the confidential conversation with a health care provider. Honest and straightforward participation is necessary by the individual to help determine the best course of care needed to maintain their medical readiness, fitness, and well-being.

Step 3: Confidential Conversation with Health Care Provider
Participate in a confidential, one-on-one conversation with a health care provider  by calling 1-888-PDHRA-99 (1-888-734-7299). During the private conversation, individuals are encouraged to be honest and discuss any symptoms, physical and emotional concerns that may need proper care and attention. The private conversation helps shape the best course of care for Soldier and Army Civilians and provides a snap-shot for the future.

•  Your health impacts your future, your family, and your job; therefore, DHAs exists so that you can take proactive steps to protect your health.
•  DHAs provide you with snapshot of your behavioral and physical health before and following the deployment cycle, which may be vital information should injuries or health concerns arise.
•  DHAs serve as a gateway to take care of any conditions which may affect your personal readiness and deployment status.
•  DHAs allow you to examine behaviors or feelings that may be indicators of a deeper issue and then receive appropriate care. These steps can reduce stress and strain for yourself and your loved ones.

Each DHA (Pre-DHA, Post-DHA, PDHRA) includes three steps, along with your honest and straightforward participation in a timely manner.

1. Resilience Training
Comprehensive Soldier Fitness

2. DD Form
A specific electronic questionnaire (DD Form) completed through the Medical Protection System (MEDPROS)

3. One-on-One
A confidential, one-on-one conversation with a health care provider



For all questions regarding the Army Reserve PDHRA, please email