The United States Army Reserve Support Command, First Army (USARSCFA) provides trained and ready Soldiers capable of seamless augmentation to First Army Staff in order to enable Mission Command of training readiness support for Pre and Post Mobilization requirements of reserve component formations.
- Constitutes the RC (USAR) Element of Headquarters, First United States Army as if it were a Multi-Component Unit.
- Provides qualified Troop Program Unit (TPU) and Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Soldiers to support/execute Headquarters, First United States Army missions.
Location: The United States Army Reserve Support Command, First Army (USARSCFA) is co-located with its supported command, Headquarters, First Army at Rock Island Arsenal, IL. Arsenal Island is a 946-acre island in the Mississippi River that is centrally located within the Illinois and Iowa bi-state metropolitan area known as the Quad Cities. The Quad Cities consists of Davenport, IA; Bettendorf, IA; Rock Island, IL; Moline and East Moline, IL.