The Strategic Initiatives Group (SIG) supports the Chief of Army Reserve / Commanding General, United States Army Reserve Command (CAR/CG) by (1) leading planning teams to analyze and solve complex compo-wide issues (Strategic Initiatives); (2) planning and executing high-value engagements that support Army Reserve objectives (Strategic Engagements); and (3) coordinating and executing world-wide CAR/CG travel (Global Circulations). Officers assigned to the Army Reserve SIG will serve as strategic planners and simultaneously manage several initiatives, engagements, and circulations to completion.

The SIG maintains personnel in the National Capital Region (Pentagon and Ft. Belvoir) and at Ft. Liberty.

SIG primary roles and responsibilities include:

Strategic Initiatives​

  • Solve complex problems for the CAR/CG​​
  • Develop high-quality products or events for the CAR/CG​

Strategic Engagements​

  • Develop, maintain, and communicate the CAR/CG’s four-year strategic engagement plan​
  • Identify, plan, and execute high-value engagements that support the CAR/CG’s objectives and maximize the CAR/CG’s time​

Global Circulations

  • Plan CONUS and OCONUS travel​
  • Manage RFIs to completion

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