DPH's promotes and guides members and their families by supporting psychological fitness for operational readiness. DPH's promotes readjustment and readiness while offering consultation and support designed to address organizational and individual health care.
Program Director Stacey Feig, LPC Program Director Office of the Chief, Army Reserve Fort Belvoir, Virginia (OCAR) Office: (703) 806-6905 Cell: (703)254-8246 email: stacey.a.feig.ctr@mail.mil
AR-MMC Rhoda Donnelly, LCSW Army Reserve Medical Management Center Pinellas Park, Florida (AR-MMC) Office: 727-563-3694 Cell: 813-922-8255 Email: rhoda.d.donnelly.ctr@mail.mil
63RD RSC Meg Haycraft, LCSW USAR 63rd Regional Support Command Moffitt Field, California Office: 650-526-9211 Cell: 847-845-9444 Email: Margaret.v.haycraft.ctr@mail.mil
88ST RSC Deb Olson, LCSW 88th Regional Support Command Fort McCoy, Wisconsin Office: 608-388-0338 Cell:571-969-0671 Email: Deborah.j.olson10.ctr@mail.mil
99TH RSC Patricia Moloney, MSW, LCSW 99th Regional Support Command Fort Dix, New Jersey Office: 609-562-7580 Cell: 571-623-6459 Email: patricia.a.moloney.ctr@mail.mil
81ST RSC Christina Wildy, LPC 81st Regional Support Command Fort Jackson, South Carolina Office: 803-751-9547 Cell: 571-623-6470 Email: christina.c.wildy.ctr@mail.mil