Profile Packet
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Expand List item 1832Collapse List item 1832  Who needs a profile from the ARMMC?

Any TPU Soldier, who in the past, has suffered a deployment limiting injury or illness and is still experiencing issues or Soldiers that are currently experiencing medical issues should request a profile. Who currently needs permanent or temporary limitations to their duty, APFT/ACFT, or functional capacities due to a medical, dental, or behavioral health condition.




Expand List item 1833Collapse List item 1833  Why should I get a profile?

A profile is written to protect the Soldier from further exacerbating an injury or illness by performing the ACFT or other required duties as outlined by their MOS, such as heavy lifting or standing for long periods. A profile also informs the commander on the deployability and readiness of his/her Soldiers.



Expand List item 1834Collapse List item 1834  Does my deployment limiting condition have to be incurred while on battle assembly or annual training?
No, any time a Soldier has an injury or illness that prohibits him/her from performing their Warrior Tasks and Drills or the APFT, they should request a profile.

There are reasons one may not need a profile such as for the common cold or an issue that is relatively short in duration (under 7 days) before the issue has fully resolved. This can only be determined by a Physician.

Expand List item 1835Collapse List item 1835  Are there medical conditions that warrant a profile regardless of their severity?
YES, according to AR 40-501, Chap 3, there are medical conditions such as Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, Asthma etc. that automatically require that Soldier to receive a profile and possibly a Medical Evaluation Board(MEB) or Physical Evaluation Board(PEB).

This is determined not only by the regulation but by proper case management

Expand List item 1836Collapse List item 1836  


How do I request/receive a profile?





A profile is requested/received by properly answering the questions on the Profile Request Packet and sending the Profile Request Packet along with the current supporting medical documentation to the AR-MMC mailbox.

The Soldier’s doctor must either sign, date and fill out the Physician’s Letter of Limitations, or on their office letterhead write a brief summary of the Soldier’s diagnosis, prognosis and how long the profile is needed.



Behavioral Health Services
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Expand List item 1837Collapse List item 1837  What is DPH (Directors of Psychological Health) and how does a soldier get in touch with them?

DPH's promotes and guides members and their families by supporting psychological fitness for operational readiness. DPH's promotes readjustment and readiness while offering consultation and support designed to address organizational and individual health care.

Program Director Stacey Feig, LPC Program Director Office of the Chief, Army Reserve Fort Belvoir, Virginia (OCAR) Office: (703) 806-6905 Cell: (703)254-8246 email:

AR-MMC Rhoda Donnelly, LCSW Army Reserve Medical Management Center Pinellas Park, Florida (AR-MMC) Office: 727-563-3694 Cell: 813-922-8255 Email:

63RD RSC Meg Haycraft, LCSW USAR 63rd Regional Support Command Moffitt Field, California Office: 650-526-9211 Cell: 847-845-9444 Email:

88ST RSC Deb Olson, LCSW 88th Regional Support Command Fort McCoy, Wisconsin Office: 608-388-0338 Cell:571-969-0671 Email:

99TH RSC Patricia Moloney, MSW, LCSW 99th Regional Support Command Fort Dix, New Jersey Office: 609-562-7580 Cell: 571-623-6459 Email:

81ST RSC Christina Wildy, LPC 81st Regional Support Command Fort Jackson, South Carolina Office: 803-751-9547 Cell: 571-623-6470 Email:

Expand List item 1838Collapse List item 1838  What is a Command Directed Behavioral Health Evaluation?
When a Commander refers a service member to a mental healthcare provider.
1. Non-emergency evaluations may be for a variety of concerns, including fitness for duty, occupational requirements, safety issues, significant changes in performance, or behavior changes that may be attributable to possible mental status changes.
2. Emergency evaluations will be referred as soon as is practicable whenever:
    A. A service member, by actions or words, such as actual, attempted, or threatened violence, intends or is likely to cause serious injury to himself or others.
    B. When the facts and circumstances indicate that the service member's intent to cause such injury is likely.
    C. When the commanding officer believes that the service member may be suffering from a severe mental disorder. 
Line of Duty
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Expand List item 1839Collapse List item 1839  What is an LOD?
LODs are required to receive care for injuries or illnesses occurring while on IDT, Drill, or AD status. LODs are also required to process MEB packets.

Expand List item 1840Collapse List item 1840  What is the process for an LOD?
Step 1:
The ill or injured Soldier must alert their commander an injury or illness has occurred, the commander should complete blocks 1 thru 5 of DA 2173 and send this document with the Soldier to receive medical treatment; if applicable.

Step 2:
The healthcare provider or hospital treating the Soldier is required to complete blocks 6 thru 17 and sign in block 18, return DA 2173 to the Soldier along with medical documentation.

Step 3:
The Soldier provides the commander with the DA 2173 and medical documentation. The unit commander then completes blocks 19 thru 34, signs in block 35 and ensures it is uploaded into the eMMPS.

Step 4:
The unit uploads the signed DA 2173, medical documents, orders or drill roster within the electronic LOD module (eMMPS). Step 5 The commander must then sign this typed version and forward to the MSC for review.

Expand List item 1841Collapse List item 1841  What is my Unit's responsibility?    

It is the unit commanders responsibility to ensure the DA 2173 is completed, uploaded into eMMPS with all supporting documentation and forwarded in a timely manner.

For both formal and informal LOD’s once the unit has received the LOD packet it should be signed, uploaded and forwarded to the MSC.

According to IAW AR 600-8-4 Table 3-1 pg. 7 this task should be completed within 20 calendar days.




Expand List item 1842Collapse List item 1842  What is my responsibility?
It is the Soldier’s responsibility to provide to their unit, the provider signed copy of DA 2173 and corresponding medical documentation.

If a profile is needed the Soldier must complete a profile request packet and send packet to (AR-MMC mailbox).

It is also the Soldiers responsibility to report medical conditions that effect medical readiness to their commander. 

Expand List item 1843Collapse List item 1843  What are Pre-Approved LOD’s?
LOD’s completed and approved (before the electronic module was implemented) on paper may be uploaded as pre-approved LOD’s.

The RSC HSB offices or the LOD team can assist with this process.

The DA 2173 with the accompanying approval memo is needed.

Expand List item 1844Collapse List item 1844  What are Formal LOD’s?
Any injury, disease, death, or medical condition that occurs under strange or doubtful circumstances or which may be due to misconduct or willful negligence and all motor vehicle accidents must be a formal LOD.

See Section 4-14 pg. 16 and appendix B pgs. 22-24 for rules which regulate governing LOD and misconduct determinations.

Formal LODs are the units responsibility and IAW AR 600-8-4 Section II Table 3-2 total completion time should be within 75 calendar days.

Expand List item 1845Collapse List item 1845  What is the regulation that governs LODs?
Expand List item 1846Collapse List item 1846  What does the LOD form look like?
Medical Evaluation Board
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Expand List item 1847Collapse List item 1847  How do I keep track of my MEB packet?

Use the IDES (Integrated Disability Evaluation System) Dashboard located in CMS.

View dashboard:




Recovery Care Coordinator
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Expand List item 1848Collapse List item 1848  What is a RCC?
The Recovery Care Coordinator supports Army Reserve Wounded, Ill and Injured Soldiers and their Family members or designated representatives by ensuring non-medical needs are met through all the phases of the Continuum of Care. 

Expand List item 1849Collapse List item 1849  Who does this program help?
Wounded, ill, and injured Warriors and their Families: Troop Program Unit (TPU), Active Guard Reserve (AGR), Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), Retirees and Veterans.

Expand List item 1850Collapse List item 1850  What support does a RCC provide?
The RCC advocates for the RSM,Wounded Warriors and their Families to provide support and advice during the entire Continuum of Care, which includes Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reintegration phases.

The program also provides assistance in navigating Federal and State systems and helps connect Wounded Warriors and Families with the necessary financial, educational, employment, legal and medical resources. 

Expand List item 1851Collapse List item 1851  How do I locate an RCC?
Physical Evaluation Board
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Expand List item 1852Collapse List item 1852  What is a PEB?

If the MEB finds the Soldier unfit to return to duty in his/her MOS, the Soldier is referred to the PEB.

The informal PEB evaluates the Soldier’s medical information, MOS, and other factors to determine the Soldier’s:



  • Fitness to continue military service
  • Case disposition
  • Whether or not the injury or illness is combat-related




Expand List item 1853Collapse List item 1853  How will the final determination be made in my case?
All medical and administrative evidence is carefully evaluated to ensure that a just and accurate determination is made.

To ensure that your interests are protected, you will be afforded the opportunity to appeal or rebut the PEB's findings before your case is finalized. An OSC attorney is available to advocate on your behalf.

Expand List item 1854Collapse List item 1854  I’ve requested a formal PEB hearing and to be represented by appointed military counsel.
What should I do next?

While the PEB will forward your information to our offices, we encourage you to also contact us using the information in this brochure so we can begin working with you as soon as possible.

Once you submit your demand for a formal hearing, the PEB will schedule a hearing date in your case.

Once scheduled, the PEB will send a copy of your case file to the OSC, who will then assign a specific attorney to represent you.

The PEB must provide you and the OSC with at least 10 days advance notice of your scheduled hearing date. The earlier you begin working with your OSC attorney, the better your chances to prevail.

Expand List item 1855Collapse List item 1855  If I am unhappy with the decision by the PEB at the formal hearing, will my attorney assist with an appeal? 
Yes. Our attorneys will explain your appeal rights and offer advice about whether an appeal is in your best interest.

Your appointed attorney can also assist in drafting the appeal, and ensure it is submitted in a timely manner. 

Expand List item 1856Collapse List item 1856  What is the OSC?
Office of Soldiers’ Counsel (OSC)

Expand List item 1857Collapse List item 1857  How can the OSC assist me?
The OSC is independent of the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) and PEB and their sole duty is to advise and represent individual Soldiers in the disability evaluation system.

OSC attorneys and paralegals are highly trained and qualified professionals who are available to assist Soldiers with an NDR determination in the PEB review process. We have offices at almost every Military Treatment Facility in the Army.

Our counsel work diligently to ensure Soldiers make fully informed decisions and then help Soldiers achieve their desired outcome through research, negotiation, and advocacy.

Any information you provide to our attorneys and paralegals is privileged and confidential, and can only be disclosed with your permission. 

Expand List item 1858Collapse List item 1858  How do I contact the OSC?
Regardless of where you are, you can consult the OSC either in person, by video teleconference (VTC), or by telephone 706-787- 2476. 

You can visit or check with a Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO) for the contact information for the nearest OSC.

You can also contact the OSC using the phone number and email address provided on the back of this brochure.