Advises the Chief, Army Reserve/Commanding General US Army Reserve Command on all Equal Employment Opportunity matters. Oversees and monitors compliance of Equal Employment Opportunity policies, practices, and procedures that affect civilian employees. 

Provide Equal Employment Opportunity services and support to ensure all current and prospective employees have equal opportunities for employment and advancement based on merit and ability, without regard to race, sex, color, religion, disability, national origin, age, genetic information or protected Title VII activity.

CiviliansThe Army Reserve Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office is centrally located at Fort McCoy, WI, and services the entire Army Reserve civilian workforce as well as certain Directorates at IMCOM Fort McCoy, ASA Dix, Camp Parks, and Fort Hunter Liggett. 

Services include processing complaints of discrimination, providing both in-person and on-line EEO training, facilitating resolution of EEO related workplace issues, and assisting in the request for reasonable accommodation process through the Disability Program Manager (DPM), who is also located in the EEO Office.

The EEO Office manages matters regarding discrimination based on:

  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Reprisal (Previous Protected EEO Activity)
  • Disability (Physical & Mental)
  • Age (40 and older)
  • Color
  • Sex
  • Genetic Information. 

Our customers include Department of the Army Civilian (DACS), Army Reserve Military Technicians (MIL-TECHS) while working in their civilian capacity, former Army Reserve employees, applicants for Army Reserve employment, and contractors under certain circumstances.

You may file a complaint if you are a:
• Civilian employee
• Former civilian employee
• Certain contractor/contingent employees
• An applicant for employment 

When you initiate an EEO complaint, you should identify an issue relating to a term, condition, or benefit of employment along with the reason or Basis(es) of discrimination. 
*Please Note: You must contact the EEO Office within 45 calendar days of the alleged discriminatory action for the complaint to be considered timely. 

Our Office Hours: 7 a.m. through 4 p.m. CT, Mon-Fri; excluding Federal holidays. 

  • Toll Free: 888-838-4499
  • TTY: 800-877-8339
  • Commercial: (502) 898-3107/3106
  • DSN: 280-3107
  • FAX: (502) 898-5058

Email Us: usarmy.usarc.usarc-hq.mbx.eeo@army.mil
Email DPM: usarmy.usarc.usarc-hq.mbx.disabilityprogram-manager@army.mil

Mailing Address: USAR EEO Office (AFRC-CXE), 2187 South J Street, Fort McCoy, WI 54656

Additional EEO Resources

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): 
Check out our Website:
EEOC or 
EEOC Federal Employee Information