Continue ACE Protocol. Ensure dialogue with Family and friends if access to lethal means changes.
Commander/Leader Role
- CDR/Supervisor refer for emergency Mental Health Evaluation (MHE) and/or Chaplain support.
- Initiate SIR/CCIR
- Initiate LOD (2173, MMSO)
- TRICARE one-off if needed
- Concur/non-concur with BH recommendation
- Counsel on options for BH coverage
Source: DoDI 6490.04
Duty Status
- Order escort into duty status if not AGR or on AT, ADT, ADOS.
- If Soldier with ideation on duty status, complete LOD to ensure duty status is either continued or terminated after MHE.
RMA (immediate status for escort); AT (for escort if no RMA available; Soldier if LOD); Fragmented AT is authorized
Weapon Access
- Commanders MAY ask about access to weapons
- Request voluntary storage of weapons in unit arms room
- On post, can have authorization removed
- Issue DA Form 3749 when taking control of weapons
References: DoDI 6490.16; DODI6490.19; AR 190-11