Psychological Health Program

The Leaders Corner Podcast: Psychological Health Program

The Army Reserve's Psychological Health Program (PHP) is a component-specific program that addresses stressors of the Army Reserve Soldiers’ responsibilities of balancing a civilian job, school, family, work and being a Soldier.

In this episode, we speak with Stacey Feig, Senior Team Lead (DPH), about the benefits of the Psychological Health Program. We also get a leadership perspective with Lt. Col. Brian Kane, commander for the 3rd Battalion, Army Reserve Careers Group in Fort Story, VA., and how he implements this resource.

Managing your own stress (remember Soldiers will model their leaders)

  • Follow the performance triad
    • At least 7-9 hours of sleep
    • Healthy meal plan
    • Regular physical fitness
  • Talk to someone when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed
  • Try to balance family, work, and military


Command Consultation

  • PHP provides subject matter expertise for behavioral health issues i.e., command directed behavioral health evaluations, profiles, lines of duty, medical boards, CCIR


How do I know if my soldier needs help?

  • As a Commander, you have the ability to help your soldiers by encouraging them to come forward with their struggles and receive help without fear of stigma or negative impact on their careers.
  • Some common signs and symptoms
    • Changes in behavior
    • Poor job performance
    • Mood changes (irritability)
    • Withdrawn
    • Absences from work or drill
    • Decrease concentration
    • Increase in alcohol use

Click Here for Risk Assessment Table

What can I do if I believe my soldier needs help?

  • Ask the soldier how they are feeling and if they are having any issues or concerns
  • Ensure the safety of the soldier
  • Call or email the Psychological Health Program   
  • Have the Chaplain talk with the soldier
  • Have a friend, a peer, a leader reach out to the soldier
  • Order a Command Directed Behavioral Health Evaluation

What is a Command Directed Behavioral Health Evaluation (CDBHE)?

  • A way a commander to obtain information about a soldier’s mental status and his/her fitness for duty.
  • CDBHE must be completed by a military treatment facility (MTF). Each MTF has their own process to complete. Contact the nearest MTF to review the process prior to scheduling an appointment
  • If you need further assistance, please contact PHP

Click Here for CDBHE Decision Tree

Case Management

  • PHP nurse case managers will assist soldiers with complicated or severe issues to ensure continuity of care. PHP works with commanders, leaders, and families ensuring the accessing, eligibility, and communication of care.


What medical information am I entitled to know about a soldier?

  • Commanders are entitled to information when
    • CDBHE is ordered
    • deals with harm to self, others, or mission,
    • soldiers is admitted to a hospital for care
    • medical conditions interfering with their duty
    • enrolled in substance abuse treatment program
    • other special circumstances

Click here for more details Department of Defense Instruction 6490.08, Command Notification Requirements to Dispel Stigma in Providing Mental Health Care to Service Members 


What is a Postvention?

  • An intervention, after a death of a soldier (i.e. suicide, medical, accident)
  • Family and friends of a suicide victim may be at increased risk of suicide themselves.
  • PHP or the Suicide Prevention Program will provide trained staff to provide support to the unit


Will the Army Reserve pay for a soldier’s treatment?

  • YES - If the soldier has an approved line of duty for the specific reason for treatment
  • YES - If soldiers are on specific orders that entitle them to care at a military treatment facility
  • MAYBE - If the injury occurred or aggravated while in military status as long as there is no other reason for the cause of injury i.e. alcohol or drug related
  • NO - If the injury occurred not on military status 


Profiles and Line of Duties?

  • PHP can assist commanders understanding the soldier's profile and limitations
  • PHP can assist soldiers in obtaining medical documentation needed for line of duties or to obtain or remove a profile