
Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Soldiers have shown to be an integral part of our modern day force.

The overall objective of the IMA program is to facilitate the rapid expansion of the Active Army wartime structure of the department of Defense and/or other departments or agencies of the U.S. Government to meet military manpower requirements in the event of military contingency, pre-mobilization, mobilization, sustainment, and/or demobilization operations.

IMA Soldiers participate in a large number of CO-ADOS, ADOS, and mobilization tours to support various commands and area of operation.

The IMA program is comprised of 79 authorized agencies. The assigned Soldiers to these agencies have special planning and support requirements to which the handbook will help the Soldier, the agency coordinator, and the HRC DIMA Management Team function more efficiently.

The IMA handbook covers the most frequently addressed issues within the program. Please take the time to review the handbook in detail to help your understanding of the IMA program: Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Handbook

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Expand List item 1548Collapse List item 1548  Are all IMA Soldiers part of the Selected Reserve (SELRES)?
Per AR 140-10, Chapter 2-4a The Selected Reserve consists of Soldiers assigned to (2): Control Group (Individual Mobilization Augmentee) under the administrative jurisdiction of commander, HRC. Soldiers assigned to this control group are serving in specified duty positions as IMAs, per AR 140-145.

Expand List item 1549Collapse List item 1549  What is the difference between an IMA and DIMA?
The terminology DIMA has been changed to be only IMA. The distinction is general officers are not authorized IDT for pay unless they are in a "duel hat" position. All other IMA Soldiers are considered allowed to perform 12 days of annual training (AT) and are currently funded up to 48, four-hour periods of individual duty for training (IDT) for pay.

Expand List item 1550Collapse List item 1550  Who do I contact if I find a position that I’m interested in?
You may contact your Assignment Manager by calling the HRC Customer Service Office at 1-888-276-9472. Additionally, you may contact the IMA Agency direct. Refer to the “menu” and select “Agency POCs”. It is advised you have readily available your last three OER/NCOERs, military biography, and any other pertinent information deemed useful (i.e. APFT score card, BFA, civilian resume, etc.) A Request for Reserve Component Assignment or Attachment , DA FM 4651, is used to publish the assignment order. It should be completed fully and signed by the Soldier and the gaining IMA Agency. The losing unit signs the form if the Soldier is in a Troop Program Unit (TPU). No losing signature required from if the Soldier is in the IRR. Send the form to your Assignment Manager who will publish the assignment order, if you meet all of the screening criteria.

Expand List item 1551Collapse List item 1551  What are the screening criteria to become assigned to an IMA agency?
Per AR 140-145, Chapter 3-1; Potential candidates are required to
  • Complete a DA Form 4651
  •  Have a current medical examination, to include an over 40 Cardiovascular Screen if required, or complete a medical examination within 90 days of assignment
  •  Meet the height and weight standards specified in AR 600–9
  •  Not be under a suspension of favorable personnel actions
  •  Have or be able to obtain the necessary security clearance required by the position
  •  Not be a key Federal or non-Federal employee under the provisions of AR 135–133
  •  Must not be within 1 year of their mandatory removal date (MRD) or expiration of term of service (ETS)
  •  Only Soldiers who meet all mobilization requirements may participate in the IMA program
  •  Civilian employees designated as key essential employees (as defined by AR 135–133) are not eligible for the IMA program.

Expand List item 1547Collapse List item 1547  Where can I find more information about frequent procedures within the IMA Program?
More information about frequent procedures within the IMA Program may be found in the Drilling Individual Mobilization Augmentee (DIMA) Handbook.

Expand List item 1553Collapse List item 1553  What benefits do IMA Soldiers qualify for?
IMA Soldiers qualify for the same benefits as TPU Soldiers.

These include, but are no limited to, Tuition Assistance, SGLITRICARE Reserve SelectTRICARE Dental Program (MetLife), PX and Commissary privileges, Space A travel, retain military affiliation, networking opportunities, continuing to serve your country, retirement benefits at age 60 or earlier, military discounts available at select retailers, Veterans benefits, and opportunity to contribute to a Thrift Retirement Savings Plan (TSP).

Expand List item 1554Collapse List item 1554  Where do IMA Soldiers submit their requests for transfer to the Retired Reserve?
To obtain the transfer order, submit the paperwork to:
US Army Human Resources Command
FORT KNOX, KY 40122-5402
You may also call 1-888-276-9472 or go to Retirement Information Packet.
Expand List item 1555Collapse List item 1555  As an IMA Soldier, can I do CO-ADOS tours?
Yes, according to the current Personnel Policy Guidance, typically chapter 3, you may complete CO-ADOS tours when there is a valid requirement.

Expand List item 1556Collapse List item 1556  How does an IMA Soldier re-enlist or extend?
For extensions or re-enlistments, Soldiers should contact the IRR/IMA Re-enlistment Team at 502-613-5928 or by email at

Expand List item 1557Collapse List item 1557  Who publishes AT orders for IMA Soldiers?
Using the Automated Orders Resource System (AORs) the IMA Agency Coordinator initiates the request for orders and then it is published by HRC. If the IMA Agency Coordinator does not have AORS access they submit a DA Form 2446 (.pdf) (.xfdl) Request For Orders and the order is initiated and published by HRC. Soldiers should complete the DA 2446 (.pdf) (.xfdl) and submit to their IMA Agency Coordinator for processing. Click here for an example DA Form 2446. AORS or manual DA FM 2446 are to be received as early as 90 days prior to start date and never less than 30 days to start date. Health Service professionals who require credentialing must have their request for AT submitted not less than 45 days to start date.


Visit Army Human Resources Command's website for more information on the Individual Ready Reserve program:

The Army Human Resources Command (HRC), Fort Knox, manages the Army Reserve's IMA Program and its more than 4,000 officer, enlisted, and warrant officer positions around the world. Proponent agencies provide HRC with AOC/MOS requirements for vacancies, and HRC appropriately realigns/reassigns Soldiers to meet those requirements.

With the Army's draw-down, Army Reserve IMA Soldiers are critically needed to fulfill proponent agency wartime structures. HRC IMA program managers are increasing their marketing activities to promote awareness of the IMA program and capture skilled Soldiers leaving the Active Army, Army Reserve or National Guard.