HAZMAT trainingMembers of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) are trained Soldiers who may be called upon, if needed, to replace Soldiers in active duty and Army Reserve units. 

Many of the Soldiers in the IRR have recently left Active Duty and still have an Army Reserve commitment.

Others have chosen to remain Active as Army Reserve Soldiers but not as a unit member or IMA.

The IRR consists of trained individuals who have previously served in the Active Army or Selected Reserve.

It is comprised primarily of Soldiers who need to fulfill their Military Service Obligation (MSO) under Section 651 of Title 10 USC.

However, Soldiers who have completed their MSO can elect to remain in the IRR if eligible.

• Each IRR Soldier is required to provide HRC with their current contact information (phone, address and email) and update it promptly when changes occur.
NOTE: Soldiers often miss receiving important documents that may affect retention, retirement, benefits, etc. because they have not kept their contact information current.

•  IRR Soldiers must also attend muster duty when ordered to, complete a readiness screening yearly, and promptly respond to all official military correspondence. 

•  Soldiers in the IRR may also be involuntarily mobilized in time of national crisis, as seen in support of the Global War on Terror.


Visit Army Human Resources Command's website for more information on the Individual Ready Reserve program: