Archive: February, 2018

Command Sgt. Maj. Darlington Hands Over Reins to Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas
February 8, 2018
(Left) Maj. Gen. Bruce Hackett, commander of the 80th Training Command, receives the unit's guidon from Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Darlington at the command's change of responsibility ceremony held at the Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, during the 80th TC Commander's Readiness Workshop Feb. 8, 2018.  As the outgoing senior enlisted leader of the 80th TC, Darlington handed over the reins to the incoming senior enlisted leader Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Thomas. (U.S. Army Reserve Photo by Maj. Addie Leonhardt)

Army general officer: ‘Future Army leader will be a woman.’
February 7, 2018
Maj. Gen. Marion Garcia, commanding general for the 200th Military Police Command, shares her experiences with congressional staff delegates and fellow general officers during the Women Leadership Roundtable Discussion hosted at the Pentagon, Feb. 7, 2018.  Top U.S. military generals met with congressional delegates to discuss their life perspectives as military women and the importance of having access to every talented American who can add strength to the force. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Maj. Valerie Palacios)