Archive: 2021

Why I serve: ‘I want to give every moment'
December 29, 2021
Capt. Dawn D. Sellers

U.S. Army Reserve civil affairs support 1st Infantry Division during Combined Resolve
December 27, 2021
U.S. Army Reserve civil affairs support 1st Infantry Division during Combined Resolve

658th Regional Support Group Provides Army Reserve Capabilities on the Korean Peninsula
December 22, 2021
658th Regional Support Group Provides Army Reserve Capabilities on the Korean Peninsula

Dynamic duo graduate elite Sapper Leader Course
December 22, 2021
Dynamic duo graduate elite Sapper Leader Course

Career comes full circle for Army Reserve chaplain
December 22, 2021
Colonel Joseph Burton, the command chaplain for the 88th Readiness Division, provides the invocation during the wreath laying ceremony honoring former President James A. Garfield, in Cleveland, Ohio, November 13, 2021. Each year, near the anniversary of Garfield's birth, Lake View Cemetery hosts a ceremony honoring the life and legacy of the man who served as president from March to September 1881.

Wreaths Across America, volunteers honor veterans
December 21, 2021
Wreaths Across America

Courses at Tobyhanna, Pa., offer hands-on, high-tech training for Soldiers
December 20, 2021
Courses offer hands-on high-tech training for Soldiers

Medics form teams in chaotic situations
December 20, 2021
Medics form teams in chaotic situations

Army Reserve division remembers service in Battle of the Bulge
December 20, 2021
Army Reserve division remembers service in Battle of the Bulge

351st CACOM gears up for disaster response support
December 18, 2021
U.S. Army Lt. Col. Chris Herion works with others in a cell groups as part of the table-top exercise during the second day of the Bangladesh Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange (DREE) 2021 hosted by The Bangladesh Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR), Bangladesh Armed Forces Division (AFD), and the United States Army Pacific (USARPAC), at Dhaka, Bangladesh on Oct. 27, 2021. The DREE brings together over 30 countries working in partnership (or collaboration) with government and non-government organizations to compare best practices for disaster relief, culminating in a table-top exercise to simulate a large-scale earthquake response.