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MASTER FITNESS TRAINER COURSE OVERVIEW: The Master Fitness Trainer Course (MFTC) is a 11-academic-day, MOS immaterial course. It trains NCOs and Officers in all aspects of the Army’s physical readiness training program to include exercise science, program design, basic nutrition, basic anatomy, reconditioning, mobility, flexibility, leadership, and unit physical readiness programs. We look forward to training you in the future. We look forward to training you in the future.

ENTERPRISE EMAIL: Unit ATRRS Operators must ensure that the Students enterprise email is correct in ATRRS. NO CIVILIAN email addresses are acceptable. Failure to do so will result in the student NOT receiving the welcome letter and support information.

WELCOME LETTER: The MFTC Course Manager sends out the welcome letter with all applicable course information to all students in ATRRS 30-days prior to the start of each course.

LODGING: Barracks are available (no WiFi in the barracks). 

REPORT UNIFORM: Report in the complete Army Physical Fitness Uniform (Hats and Gloves Optional).  Have your Orders, Current Common Access Card, dog tags, and course specific required information and packing list items. 

STANDARDS AND DISCIPLINE: Uniform and grooming standards are strictly enforced.  It is the Soldier’s responsibility for ensuring wear and appearance reflects the highest level of professionalism.  Soldiers who do not meet the Army wear and appearance standards will make necessary corrections or provide documentation of an approved exception to policy prior course in-processing.  Soldiers who fail to make such corrections or produce documentation may be recommended for denied enrollment.

HEIGHT AND WEIGHT: Be prepared to conduct a weigh in and tape as required on the travel report day. Students that fail to meet this initial requirement will be immediately given a second screening. Students that fail the second screening will be denied enrollment and sent back to their units.

ARMY WEAR AND APPEARANCE STANDARDS:  Students who do not meet the Army wear and appearance standards will make necessary corrections or provide documentation of an approved exception to policy prior to course in-processing. Soldiers who fail to make such corrections or produce documentation will be recommended for denied enrollment.