319th Military History Detachment

Provides U.S. Army Europe – Africa with military history capabilities to conduct direct collection of historical material during command and contingency operations to support the Army Center of Military History in documenting the official Army history and events in the European Theater.

773rd Civil Support Team

This unit supports host nation and U.S. military authorities at a CBRNE incident site by identifying CBRNE agents/substances, assessing current and projected consequences, advising on response measures, and assisting with appropriate requests for addition U.S. military support.

221st Public Affairs Detachment

The 221 PAD is modularly organized, staffed, trained, and equipped to deploy rapidly in support of operations. The 221 PAD comprises two teams to provide brigade level support and augment the organic public affairs element or provide area support within the assigned command’s area of operations.

7th International Level Education Detachment

Educates U.S. and multinational field grade officers assigned or deployed to U.S. Army Europe – Africa and U.S. Army Central areas of responsibility in order to build and lead organizations under Mission Command in Unified Land Operations.

209th & 2500 Digital Liaison Detachments

The 209th DLD is located in Wiesbaden, Germany and the 2500th DLD is located in Vicenza, Italy. They provide liaison capability between Army Forces, Joint/Coalition Forces Land Component Command, Joint Task Force, subordinate headquarters and multinational headquarters to ensure communication, mutual understanding and unity of purpose and action.

Medical Support Unit – Europe

The MSU-E, in coordination with U.S. Army Europe – Africa command surgeon, supports theater medical elements during operations and multinational exercises throughout the European Theater.

589th Engineer Detachment

Deploys to provide technical engineering support in Europe for Unified Land Operations.

88th & 89th Chaplain Detachments

Provide religious support and advice to the command on matters of religion, morale, and morality as they affect the mission to ensure a positive and resilient command climate across the 7th MSC.

Brig. Gen. Wanda N. Williams
Commanding General, 7th Mission Support Command

Command Sergeant Major Paul Yingst
Command Sergeant Major

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