Tag: recycling

Army Reserve establishing new recycling programs in hard to reach places
December 15, 2023
The U.S. Army Reserve’s 9th Mission Support Command (9th MSC), Hawaii, is partnering with organizations across
the Pacific to establish new recycling programs in places such as Pele U.S. Army Reserve Center, American Samoa.

Addressing Climate Change Through Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure
February 8, 2022

Devens Reserve Forces Training Area (RFTA) develops program to divert food waste into energy through anaerobic digestion
October 2, 2020

Twice the Life: Fort Buchanan Helps Repurpose Textiles and Increases Waste Diversion
March 27, 2020

Fort Buchanan and Hurricane Maria: A Look Back at Lessons Learned
November 14, 2019

Army Reserve encourages communities to bag the bag on America Recycles Day
November 7, 2018
Army Reserve encourages communities to Bag the Bag on America Recycles Day