Tag: 446th Movement Control Battalion

446th Movement Control Battalion hosts Yellow Ribbon event
November 30, 2023
446th Movement Control Battalion hosts Yellow Ribbon event

Army Reserve Redeploys from Poland
September 8, 2023
Army Reserve Redeploys from Poland

7th Mission Support Command completes historic mobilization
March 8, 2023
446th MCB Supports USAEUR-AF Operations

Reserve Soldiers track the end of DEFENDER-Europe 20 Plus
September 18, 2020
U.S. Army Reserve Sgt. Fabio Gaviria of the 793rd Movement Control Team, 446th Movement Control Battalion, 510th Regional Support Group, 7th Mission Support Command, performs security checks on equipment shipped by rail from Bergen-Hohne to Coleman Barracks, Germany, Sept. 13, 2020.  MCT Soldiers under the 446th tracked more than 2,600 pieces of redeployed equipment to close out their support to DEFENDER-Europe 20 Plus. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher Pelican)

The seven newest units in the Army Reserve
September 14, 2019
SEMBACH, Germany—U.S. Army Reserve Col. Scott K. Thomson, Deputy Commander of the 7th Mission Support Command, officiates the activation of the 510th Regional Support Group and subordinate units in a ceremony held here at United Sates Army Garrison, Rheinland-Pfalz Sembach Kaserne on Sept. 14, 2019.