Lt. Gen. Jody J. Daniels

First woman to become chief of Army Reserve and commanding general, U.S. Army Reserve Command

Daniels is the first woman in the 112-year history of the Army Reserve to lead the community-based force of more than 200,000 Soldiers and Civilian employees with a geographic footprint that includes 50 states, five territories, and more than 30 countries.

Chief of Army Reserve page » 

Army Reserve Leadership Biography: Lt. Gen. Jody J. Daniels »​

Lisa Jaster

First U.S. Army Reserve female Ranger School graduate

When then-Maj. Lisa Jaster walked across Victory Pond at Fort Benning, she secured her role in history as the first female Army Reserve officer to earn the distinctive black-and-gold shoulder tab. The engineer and mother of two children is the third female to graduate the grueling combat leadership course.

Army Reserve Profile: Lisa Jaster » 

Lt. Col. Lisa Jaster continues to lead the way after historic Ranger School accomplishment »​

Resiliency with Lisa Jaster - Soldier For Life Podcast S7:E10

Capt. Deshauna BarberCAPT. DESHAUNA BARBER

2016: U.S. military's first Black Army Reserve officer to obtain the title of Miss USA

On June 5, 2016, then 1st Lt. Deshauna Barber, Army Reserve 988th Quartermaster Detachment Commander made history as the first woman serving in the U.S. military to win the Miss USA crown. Barber was among the final top nine contestants in the 2017 Miss Universe Competition, held on January 29, 2017.  As Miss USA, she worked directly with soldiers suffering from PTSD and focused on suicide prevention in the Armed Forces. 

Army Reserve Profile: Capt. Deshauna Barber »

2011: The Army's first Black female reserve officer to obtain the rank of major general

Anderson was promoted during a ceremony at Fort Knox, Ky., Oct. 1, 2011. 

HRC deputy becomes Army's first female African-American major general »

Women continue to prove themselves in uniform »

2003: First Black female command sergeant major of the Army Reserve

Jones was selected by Army Reserve Chief Lt. Gen. James R. Helmly to become the ninth command sergeant major of the Army Reserve in September 2003. As a result, she became the first woman in U.S. Army's history to serve as a division command sergeant major. Jones is also the first woman to be selected as the top noncommissioned officer in the Army Reserve, as well as the first to be chosen as the senior noncommissioned officer in any of the Army's components.

African-Americans in the U.S. Army Profile »

Pvt. Sandoval

Pvt. Jennifer Sandoval
First Army Reserve female combat engineer

BG Smith

Brig. Gen. Tracy L. Smith
First Guamanian female Army general officer

1SG Steckman

1st Sgt. Raquel Steckman
First Army female  combat engineer first sergeant

BG Schanely

Brig. Gen. Miyako Schanely
First female Japanese-American general officer

SSG Seaborn

Staff Sgt. Lydia Seaborn
First Army Reserve female Cyber Network Defender graduate

CW5 Wilson

Chief Warrant Officer 5 
Phyllis Wilson

First female Army Reserve Command Chief Warrant Officer