Social media is an integral part of the Army Reserve, the Army and the Department of Defense operations. All submissions are reviewed and approved by the Office of the Chief of Army Reserve, Army Reserve Communications Public Affairs and are subject to all Army Reserve policies and guidelines. The registrant is responsible for the maintenance of each social media site and ensuring that it does not compromise operations security.

MUST also register with social media, please follow this link if you have not done so already. Once the process is completed and your site has been reviewed by OCAR, the site will be added to the registry. 


ALARACT 289/2013, Army Operations Security (OPSEC) Training for External Official Presence (EOP) Operators states that all commanders will ensure that those personnel who publish information on external online presences receive mandatory annual OPSEC training.

Social media managers are required to take two OPSEC courses. The first, OPSEC for EOP Operators, is accessed using the Information Assurance Training Center’s website.
Second is the DOD course "Social Networking and Your Online Identity.".

READ AND COMPLY with the U.S. Army Social Media Registration Checklist before proceeding.

Register Your Site


To contact the approving authority, please direct inquiries to