Division West welcomes new III Corps Deputy Commanding General
Maj. Gen. Michael R. Keating, deputy commanding general of III Corps (second from left), is greeted by First Army Division West command and staff during a welcome brief held at Division West headquarters in Fort Hood, Texas, July 22, 2021. Shown from left to right: Col. Jason A. Wesbrock, chief of staff for Division West, Maj. Gen. Keating, Maj. Gen. Richard F. Johnson, commanding general of Division West, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Joedy G. Van Velzen, command chief warrant officer for Division West, and Mr. Philip D. Calahan, deputy chief of staff for Division West. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Steven L. Wesolowski, Division West public affairs)

Photo by: Capt. Steven Wesoloswski |  VIRIN: 210722-A-KM234-416.JPG