2nd Med BDE Soldiers learn Endotracheal Intubation
Ted Langevin, a volunteer with CALSTAR, teaches 2nd Medical Brigade Soldier Spc. Jasmaine Rodriguez, A 92G food service specialist From Chico California, the proper method for surgical cricothyrotomy during the annual training exercise at Camp Parks, Calif. Big Logistics Over-The-Shore, West is an annual, Army Reserve, multi-echelon functional exercise designed for transportation units and sustainment commands to hone their expertise in Logistics Over-the-Shore (LOTS) operations from June 10 to June 24, 2016. Big LOTS West is a multi-component exercise involving elements from the Active Component Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Maritime Administration are conducting operations at three Bay-Area California training locations: Camp Parks, Alameda Point, and Coast Guard Island.

Photo by: Capt. Michael Barranti |  VIRIN: 160612-A-ZV382-283.JPG