Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP)


The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program is a DoD-wide effort to promote the well-being of National Guard and Reserve members, their families and communities, by connecting them with resources throughout the deployment cycle. Through Yellow Ribbon events, Service members and loved ones connect with local resources before, during, and after deployments. Reintegration during post-deployment is a critical time for members of the National Guard and Reserve, as they often live far from military installations and other members of their units. Commanders and leaders play a critical role in assuring that Reserve Service members and their families attend Yellow Ribbon events where they can access information on health care, education and training opportunities, financial, and legal benefits. We work in government and non-government partners, including the Small Business Administration and Departments of Labor and Veterans Affairs, to provide up-to-date and relevant information to the members of the All-Volunteer force and their families.
Soldiers and family members gathered in Anaheim, Ca to learn more about resources as they prepare or return from deployment.

The USAR Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) offers virtual and In-person Pre-Deployment and Post-Deployment Events.

To register for your Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Events, click here 


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 Is this mandatory?


Yes.  Pre-Deployment YRRP Event is mandatory for all first-time deploying/mobilizing Soldiers and optional for all other Soldiers. Post Deployment YRRP Events are optional for all Soldiers.  Family members also have the option to participate in Virtual YRRP Events and training..


 This is deployment-related training.  How can commanders use this training if their units are NOT scheduled to deploy/mobilize?


The training/courseware is designed and vetted by the Department of Defense (DOD) to enhance Military and Family Readiness.  It is not solely specific to deployment.  Topics include Family communication and parenting skills, financial and employment readiness skills, and stress management.  Valuable training on VA benefits and services and Uniformed Service Employment and Re-employment Rights Act (USERRA) is also available.  Any of these individual topics or courses can be explored at any time and are relevant to USAR Soldiers and Families beyond the scope of deployment.  For a comprehensive list of YRRP online courseware, click here


 What is the Virtual Family Panel, exactly?


The Virtual Family Panel is a LIVE web meeting hosted in conjunction with scheduled virtual YRRP events (normally via Microsoft Teams).  A panel of subject matter experts and resource providers talk with participants about current policies and available resources pursuant to Solder and Family Readiness and how to access them.  Panel members often times include representatives from Army Reserve Family Programs, Military OneSource, Chaplains, Education Services, and others. The Virtual Family Panel is a great opportunity for participants to get educated on resources and solutions specific to the needs of their respective Families.


 For VBA, can I participate in the LIVE Virtual Family Panel if I don’t participate in the Virtual YRRP Events?


Absolutely!  Although the Virtual Family Panel is a part of Virtual YRRP events, it is also accessible independent of events.  Units do not have to participate in an entire Virtual YRRP Event to have access to the LIVE Virtual Family Panel.  If you would like to attend a Virtual Family Panel, please reach out to your regional YRRP point of contact to coordinate your (yourself or your unit) attendance.

 Does the virtual YRRP event have to be done during VBA?


Two parts –   

  1. For deploying/mobilizing or redeploying/demobilizing units, at the unit commander’s discretion, Soldiers have the option of completing Pre-Deployment or Post-Deployment YRRP event during a scheduled VBA for one day’s pay (MUTA 2).  Soldiers can also be put on a single day Active Duty for Training (ADT) order by their servicing YRRP team to complete the event.
  2. For all others, at the unit commander’s discretion, Soldiers can complete Pre- and/or Post-Deployment YRRP training during a scheduled VBA for one day’s pay (MUTA 2).  Commanders can choose to either participate in an entire virtual event, or choose individual courses for their unit to complete.  For a comprehensive list of YRRP online courseware, click here


 How is training validated for virtual YRRP events?  For VBA


Two parts –

  1. For deploying/mobilizing or redeploying/demobilizing units completing their Pre- or Post-Deployment event, event participants receive a Certificate of Completion once all virtual YRRP event training is completed.  Units can also request a roster from the hosting YRRP team to verify Soldier participation.
  2. For all others, if commanders direct their units to participate in an entire virtual event for VBA, event participants receive a Certificate of Completion once all virtual YRRP event training is completed, and the unit can request a roster from the hosting YRRP team to verify Soldier participation.  If commanders choose individual courses for their unit to complete during VBA, Soldiers will receive a Certificate of Completion per individual course completed.


 I have a deployment coming up early next year and I don't see any open events for registration.  Will there be open events next year?


As soon as schedules are finalized for each fiscal year, events are published for registration at EventPLUS.  If you don't see an option to register for in the time frame of your proposed Pre or Post deployment event, please reach out to your regional  YRRP point of contact to coordinate your (yourself or your unit) attendance.


 I previously registered for an in-person event that has since been cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Do I now need to register for a Virtual Event?


In some cases, no; however, please contact your regional YRRP point of contact and coordinate with them directly



Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program logoThe Army Reserve Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) is a congressionally mandated program authorized by the 2008 National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA).  The purpose of the program is to serve Army Reserve Soldiers and Families throughout deployment cycles by providing education on and access to the plethora of resources available to them as they prepare for, execute, and return from deployment or mobilization. YRRP’s congressional mandate was updated by the 2016 NDAA to provide Soldiers and Families critical information and services on health, well-being, referral, and outreach resources available throughout the deployment cycle.  YRRP services are delivered in four distinct phases.


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 Phase 1:  Pre-Deployment Event  


Soldiers attend a Pre-Deployment Event 45 days before deployment or mobilization.  This is a mandatory requirement for Soldiers deploying or mobilizing for the first time.  Soldiers also have the option to bring one (1) guest with them to attend the event.  Pre-deployment events focus on providing education and information to ensure the Readiness of the unit, their Families, employers, and the affected communities for the rigors of deployment and the challenges of family separation.  The events will provide Soldiers and their designated representative an understanding of the available support programs and how each phase of deployment is connected.  The Pre-Deployment Event addresses issues in a proactive manner in order to build resilience and knowledge.  This enables the Soldiers and Families to have resources and information throughout deployment and reintegration phase.


 Phase 2:  During Deployment Activity – Mailing Activity


YRRP continues support of Families through all phases of deployment.  Roughly 180 days into deployment or mobilization Families will receive a magazine that includes descriptions of and information on the many resources available during the mobilization.


 Phase 3:  Post-Deployment Event


90 days from Release from Active Duty (REFRAD), Soldiers and one (1) guest have the option to attend a Post-Deployment Event.  Believe it or not, by this time Soldiers and Families have experienced a great deal of separation.  Post-Deployment Events focus on Soldiers and Families for their return, reunion, and reintegration in order to ensure a smooth transition back into the day-to-day.  Soldiers and Families are provided information and access to assist in understanding the challenges that may occur after prolonged separation and/or combat stress.  Events are tailored to facilitate a successful transition, reunion, and long-term reintegration.  While attendance at this event is not mandatory, YRRP encourages all who are eligible to attend.  The resources and reintegration strategies provided could prove invaluable!


 Phase 4:  Post-Deployment Activity – Wellness Check    


Soldiers and Families will receive a Wellness Check phone call 180 days from REFRAD.  The purpose of the call is to ensure successful reintegration and to address any other needs that may have arisen post-deployment by providing and/or connecting Soldiers and Families with appropriate resources.


Contact Us:


Email Us!
List of Family Programs Directors and Coordinators
National Suicide Prevention Call or Text: 988
Support specialists are available at Military OneSource: 1-800-342-9647
Safe Helpline - Sexual Assault Support for the DoD Community Toll-Free: 1- 877-995-5247

OCONUS Veterans/Military Crisis Lines
Europe: 844-702-5495 or DSN 988
Pacific: 844-702-5493 or DSN 988
Southwest Asia: 855-422-7719 or DSN 988