For the Commander, assess the readiness, discipline, efficiency, economy, morale, and training of the Army Reserve. Teach and train Soldiers to published standards and policies. Provide assistance with matters not resolved through normal command or regulatory channels. Investigate fraud, waste and abuse.


To support the Army Reserve we will:

• Provide candid, objective and uninhibited analysis and advice.
• Emphasize integrity, ethics and discipline.
• Promote readiness, efficiency, and effectiveness.
• Conduct our activities with the highest standards of ethical leadership and professionalism.
• Exercise fairness, impartiality and timeliness in accomplishing our mission.

*IAW ADP 6-0, the Inspector General is a resource utilized by the Commander as an instrument in the Mission Command philosophy as he practices exercising his judgment in the art of command.
• The Inspector General (IG) is an extension of the eyes, ears, voice, and conscience of the Commander.
• The IG supports the Chain of Command by increasing visibility of issues so the Commander can take appropriate action.
• The IG serves as an impartial fact-finder and problem solver - be an "honest broker".
• IG’s job is to be familiar with issues in the command and advise all Commanders of their existence for quick resolution.


• Be honest.
• Don't provide misleading information.
• Remember your IGs can only resolve a case on the basis of fact.
• Don't expect instant action on your request ... be patient.
• Understand that the outcome of your case might not be what you expected (the IG will always explain why). 
Click here  to download IG Complaint Form

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