Read the following ​Statements of Understanding before proceeding further:
1. I have used my Commander's Open Door Policy one level up.
2. I have attempted to use my local unit's Office of Inspector General.
3. I understand the local IG is the expert on local command policy and is The Inspector General's (TIG) representative.
4. I understand this complaint may be referred to the local IG for Inquiry/Investigation.

Guidance for contacting the USARC Office of Inspector General

United States Army Reserve personnel needing assistance are encouraged to utilize their respective Chain of Command in an attempt to resolve a problem or issue.  If IG assistance is needed, contact your local IG Office first.  IG's at higher commands will normally refer your case to the local IG for action.

In order to officially empower an IG to initiate an inquiry into a matter, the complainant is required to submit a signed and completed DA 1559 with as much detailed information and supporting documents included with the submission to the Office of the Inspector General.  


Please do not submit any classified documents.

If you would like to submit a complaint, please complete and sign the DA Form 1559.

Command Inspector General
COL Krista Vaughn

Inspector General Sergeants Major
SGM Richard Perez


Click here  to download IG Complaint Form

 If you experience an error downloading, right click, save link as, save, and open with Adobe Acrobat.