Archive: March, 2019

Pacific Army Reserve Engineers, 411th Engineer Battalion, hold change of command
March 18, 2019
411th Engineer Battalion hosts change of command ceremony

77th Quartermaster Group Soldiers push through the Bataan
March 18, 2019
Bataan Memorial Death March 2019

Army leaders from across the country visit Chicago to discuss the way ahead for multi-component command relationship
March 15, 2019
Battalion command team members and staff from the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command and First Army pause for a photo with World War II Veteran, Al Mampre, during the last day of the 85th USARSC’s Battalion Commanders Huddle briefing, Mar. 10, 2019.

LOGCAP Soldiers sharpen program management skills
March 15, 2019
Capt. Beth Appleman, logistics support officer with 1st Logistics Civil Augmentation Program Support Battalion, takes a moment to discuss the importance of understanding the area of operations and requests from the requiring activity

80th TC Soldiers celebrate National Read Across America with school children
March 15, 2019
80th Training Command (TASS) U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers and Civilians enjoyed reading to Hopkins Road Elementary School children, celebrating National Read Across America Day, in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday. Hopkins Elementary Reading Specialist Mrs. Christy Smith said that inviting the Soldiers to the school means a lot, not only to the kids, but to the parents and teachers as well. “Our kids look up to the Soldiers and see them as role models, and we absolutely love that,” said Smith.

A year after injury, Army Reserve Soldier aims to succeed at Army Trials
March 15, 2019
Army Trials 2019

First Army highlights training opportunities for Reserve Component
March 13, 2019
First Army highlights training opportunities for Reserve Component

U.S., Chadian biomed technicians rely on expertise of one another during MEDREX 19-1
March 13, 2019
U.S., Chadian biomed technicians rely on expertise of one another during MEDREX 19-1

316th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) Soldiers test for the Best Warrior
March 13, 2019
316th ESC soldiers test for the Best Warrior

From Panchkula and Maracay, to Central Pennsylvania: Two Soldiers’ Paths to Citizenship
March 12, 2019
From Panchkula and Maracay, to Central Pennsylvania: Two Soldiers’ Paths to Citizenship