Category: 79th Theater Sustainment Command

Soldier’s Army Reserve career fuels civilian career success
March 16, 2020
Soldier’s Reserve Career Fuels Civilian Career Success

304th Movement Control Team prepares for African Lion 20
March 4, 2020
304th MCT prepares for African Lion 20

Powidz: The hub of base operations for Poland
March 4, 2020
Powidz: The hub of base operations for Poland

851st TC prepares vehicles for DEFENDER-Europe 20
February 14, 2020
851st TC prepares vehicles for DEFENDER-Europe 20

Army service a family tradition
February 3, 2020
Army service a family tradition

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers case their colors, prepare for deployment
January 27, 2020
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers case their colors, prepare for deployment

From the desert to the cockpit: Army Reserve aviator shares her story
January 27, 2020
From the desert to the cockpit: Army Reserve aviator shares her story

Sleep well: 652nd RSG provides a better place to sleep for Polish people in need
January 24, 2020
Sleep well: 652nd RSG provides a better place to sleep for Polish people in need

Meet the U.S. Army Reserve mayors at Zagan base camp in Poland
January 21, 2020
Writing on the wall

652nd Regional Support Group works behind the scenes to help make USO show a success
January 15, 2020
USO New Year’s Tour