Category: 79th Theater Sustainment Command

Dream team in Poland gets the job done
July 10, 2020
Dream team gets the job done

645th ICTC competes in DA Connelly Competition
July 6, 2020
645th ICTC competes in DA Connelly Competition

No gym needed to improve fitness
June 26, 2020
No gym needed to improve fitness

79th QM Company maintained readiness during two-year mobilization
June 5, 2020
79th QM Company maintained readiness during two-year mobilization

Team adjusts mission, prepares for the future
June 1, 2020
Team adjusts mission, prepares for the future

Program in Poland protects Soldiers
April 30, 2020
Program in Poland protects Soldiers

Full house: Olympia military couple fostered 60 children, 2 cats and 10 dogs in last 6 years
April 30, 2020
Full house: Olympia military couple fostered 60 children, two cats and 10 dogs in the last six years

Making an impact in Boleslawiec
April 7, 2020
Making an impact in Boleslawiec

4th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) supports COVID-19 response
April 7, 2020
4th ESC supports the COVID-19 response

Remote Training During COVID-19
March 31, 2020
Michelle Adams uses a SCATT trainer to practice - at home while wearing pajamas. Simulations devices allow remote Postal Match opportunities and training options when conditions prevent congregating.