Category: 200th Military Police Command

Finishing the run: Soldiers to join run in memory of veteran friend who died during marathon
September 13, 2018

Guardian Shield: Army Reserve CID spearheads special agent training across military
September 8, 2018

A beloved Soldier and the tokens he kept
August 22, 2018

Army physician embraces the same field experience to care for fellow Soldiers
August 18, 2018

Fort McCoy police officer serves two ways
August 10, 2018
Fort McCoy police officer serves in two ways

Military police re-establish foundation of lethal warrior training
August 10, 2018
Military police re-establish foundation of lethal warrior training

What a day to be alive: Soldiers embrace brotherhood of arms years after surviving attack
August 4, 2018

MPs get hands on medical training
July 20, 2018
MPs get hands on medical training

Logisticians can pave career path with free credentialing program
May 9, 2018
Spc. Robin Trinidad (right), an automated logistics specialist from the 103rd Quartermaster Company in Houston, inspects a cooler Feb. 17, 2016, at Fort Polk, La., used to preserve perishable foods in the field. The Los Angeles native and his Army Reserve company are supporting field exercises during a base field exercise. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Brandon Hubbard, 204th PAD)

A unified cell: Largest military police organization in DoD focuses on command-level deployment training
May 9, 2018
Military Police field training