Army Reserve Soldiers from the 11th Military Police Brigade conducted combat lifesaver skills training at their combat outpost during a Combat Support Training Exercise here July 13, 2018. Medical training impacts unit readiness, and eventually saves lives downrange when units are deployed.
“This type of training is certainly essential to warfighter tasks, and is necessary at all levels,” said Lt. Col. Louis Dibernardo, the 11th MP Brigade surgeon. “Whether you’re in garrison, training, or in a theater of operations these skills save lives, and without them we lose a lot more than just the life of a soldier, we lose morale and we lose the ability to complete the mission.”
During a practical demonstration, Dibernardo placed a special emphasis on doing the job right the first time, to prevent further casualties down the road from hasty medical care.
“This is what I see coming into my aid stations all the time,” he said. “I spot loose tourniquets and sloppy bandages, and I want to fix that to make sure every Soldier has a fair chance at being able to go home.”
“Since we’re in the Reserve component, we don’t get to do this every day, so it’s important we practice for whenever we do get deployed to be ready for anything,” said PV2 Marvin Lezama, an MP from the 11th MP Brigade. “Even back at home we want to be ready to be able to save a life.”
Soldiers also found a positive link to their civilian careers from skills training like this learned during their time in the Army Reserve.
“I also practice medicine on the civilian side,” said Dibernardo. I’ve been incredibly fortunate that any employer I’ve had has been accommodating and understanding to the fact that I’m an Army Reserve soldier and that duty calls.”
“I’ve also found I get a lot of veteran patients, and so being able to interact and share stories with them allows me to establish an even stronger rapport with my patients,” added Dibernardo.
Medical readiness plays a paramount role in the fighting forces of the U.S. Army, ensuring Soldiers could treat combat wounds and save the lives of their fellow Soldiers should the need arise.