Category: 200th Military Police Command

Guardian Shield brings the Army Reserve to train with the FBI
May 4, 2021
Army Reserve

Army supply specialist, honors student competes for beauty crown
March 22, 2021
Army supply specialist, honors student competes for beauty crown

FAQs: COVID-19 Vaccine
January 12, 2021

FAQs: COVID-19 impact to the U.S. Army Reserve
December 22, 2020

Military Police Soldier dedicates another year to KFOR, keeps Camp Bondsteel safe
December 7, 2020
Military Police Soldier dedicates another year to KFOR, keeps Camp Bondsteel safe

Military police trains in bubble
October 7, 2020
Military Police

Army Reserve Service Rifle Team at Interservice
August 28, 2020
The Army Reserve Service Rifle Team at the 59th Interservice Rifle Championships at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia. Back row (L to R): SPC Mason Petersen, Mr. Jon Casillas, COL Christopher Baer, CW3 Joseph Hayes, SFC Richard Hartley, SSG Sean Morris, MAJ David Yerkes, MSG Joseph Braswell, SFC John Arcularius, SFC Adam Stauffer, SSG Matt Goad, Mr. Stephen Austin (ACAR), MSG Howard Griffith. Front row (L to R): 2LT Jack Pitman, CDT Cameron Bates, SPC Dan Lowe, SGT Drew Wood, SGT Keith Stephens, SFC Cheryl Morris, SFC John Bonjour, SFC Dan Dorosheff.

Army Reserve MPs deployed to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia certify to enforce the law
August 5, 2020
Army Reserve MPs deployed to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia certify to enforce the law

Military police unit fights COVID-19 and prepares for deployment
July 31, 2020
Military police unit fights COVID-19 and prepares for deployment

KFOR Regional Command East MPs train interagency active-shooter response
July 22, 2020
KFOR Regional Command East MPs train interagency active shooter response