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Video by Sgt. Giovanny Lopez
76th ORC's CSM Goodman Talks About Participating in the 2024 Division Best Squad Competition
76th Operational Response Command
March 11, 2024 | 0:59
Command Sgt. Maj. Jason E. Goodman, Command Sergeant Major, 76th Operational Response Command, discusses the importance of Soldiers participating in the 2024 Division Best Squad Competition (BSC) on March 11, 2024, at Ft. Hunter Liggett, Calif. Goodman considers the competition an excellent opportunity for Soldiers to embrace the squad concept and practice their warrior tasks and skills as a team.

The 2024 Division Best Squad Competition (BSC), formerly the Best Warrior Competition (BWC), was hosted by the 63rd Readiness Division and held at Camp Parks, Calif. and Ft. Hunter Liggett, Calif. from March 6-13, 2024. The event included competing Soldiers from across ten Army Reserve commands. The BSC is designed to test the cohesion and proficiency of our squads, competing in a series of collective and individual tasks to earn the title, “Best Squad.” The highest performing competitors and squads are then selected to compete in the annual Army Reserve Best Squad Competition, which will include winners from all the various command level competitions.

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