Archive: 2019

U.S. and coalition forces participate in St. Michael's Day jump
October 17, 2019
U.S. and coalition forces participate in St. Michael's Day jump

Disaster relief exercise tests German, American first responders
October 17, 2019
Disaster relief exercise tests German, American first responders

Chicago’s 2019 Columbus Day Parade honors U.S. Army Reserve general officer
October 16, 2019
Chicago’s 67th Annual Columbus Day Parade honors Brig. Gen. Kris A. Belanger, Commanding General, 85th U.S. Army Support Command and parade honorary Grand Marshall, and Capt. Michael J. Ariola, Public Affairs Officer, 85th USARSC, both of Italian-American heritage, during Sunday’s parade in downtown Chicago, October 14, 2019.

Answers to top questions about ACFT equipment fielding
October 16, 2019
Health experts:  New AR600-9 encourages Soldiers to utilize performance

361st Civil Affairs Soldiers support close NATO partnership, continued relationship
October 11, 2019
361st Civil Affairs Soldiers support close NATO partnership, continued relationship

Three Army Reserve Soldiers respond to auto accident
October 11, 2019
Three Army Reserve Soldiers respond to auto accident

652nd RSG's colors stand proud thanks to Soldier's talents
October 11, 2019
Colors symbols of Soldier’s identity and pride

From immigrant to Soldier and then to citizen — in that order
October 11, 2019
Serving her country, even before she was a citizen

Army HRC launches Reserve Personnel Management Directorate
October 8, 2019
Army HRC launches Reserve Personnel Management Directorate

The Making of a Drill Sergeant: Episode 2 - Going to the Drill Sergeant Academy
October 8, 2019
The Making of a Drill Sergeant: Episode 2 - Going to the Drill Sergeant Academy