Tag: Fort Knox

Pilot program provides a new option for Army officers’ professional military education
June 24, 2019
Brig. Gen. Aaron Walter, commander of the 100th Training Division-Leader Development, visits the officers attending the Command and General Staff College Phase Two 4x4 Course at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, June 10, 2019. The 4x4 course is a pilot program that allows Army officers to complete the second of three phases in person during four weekends instead of the previous option of eight weekend classes or through distance learning.

91st TD partners with 4th Cav. at training exercise
May 29, 2019
91st TD partners with 4th Cav. at training exercise

83rd ARRTC welcomes new commander
May 6, 2019
83rd ARRTC welcomes new commander

94th DIV Health Services Soldier Wins 80th TC Instructor of the Year Competition
March 18, 2019
(Left to right) 100th Training Division Commander Brig. Gen. Aaron Walter, Staff Sgt. William Jacobson, Command Sgt. Maj. Sharon Campbell, 94th Training Division-Force Sustainment senior enlisted leader and Command Sgt. Maj. Jay Thomas, 80th Training Command's senior enlisted leader, pose for photos at the 80th's 2018 Instructor of the Year Competition awards ceremony at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Oct. 20, 2018. Jacobson, an instructor with the 5th Brigade (Health Services), 94th TD-FS, beat out the competition in the Noncommissioned Officer category. (Caption and Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Elizabeth Breckenkamp)

80th Training Command instructors compete for top honors
October 26, 2018
The 80th Training Command’s best instructors proved themselves at the command’s 2018 Instructor of the Year Competition here Oct. 18-20, 2018.  Twenty-one Army Reserve instructors from across the command’s three training divisions and the 4960th Multifunctional Training Brigade contended for the top prize in three categories: enlisted, officer, and civilian.

Vehicle operators learn to steer the next generation of drivers
September 17, 2018
Vehicle operators learn to steer the next generation of drivers

Army Reserve MPs launch senior leader course needed for promotions
September 6, 2018

Former Railsplitter turns 100, reflects on extraordinary life
August 29, 2018
Former Railsplitter turns 100, reflects on extraordinary life

Cadets rappel into the future under the guidance of U.S. Army Reserve NCOs
July 23, 2018
Cadets rappel into the future under the guidance of U.S. Army Reserve NCOs

U.S. Army Reserve NCOs bring civilian skills to ROTC cadet summer training
July 20, 2018
U.S. Army Reserve NCOs bring civilian skills to ROTC cadet summer training