
USACAPOC(A) leverages real world experience for Civil Affairs money laundering training
March 1, 2021
U.S. Army Reserve Maj. Dale P. Kooyenga, 38G capabilities development manager with the U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne)  Strategic Initiatives Group (SIG) headquartered at Ft. Bragg, NC, coordinates the Military Support to Governance 38G Money, Banking, and Finance, money laundering crime virtual training event," Feb. 6, 2021. The Civil Affairs training event, that took place between over 60 Civil Affairs professionals and partnerships formed with other government agencies (OGAs) such as the FBI, was meant to prepare Soldiers to recognize and combat money laundering in the operational environment.

Chief of Army Reserve and Army Reserve command sergeant major engage civil affairs units
February 9, 2021
Chief of Army Reserve and Army Reserve command sergeant major engage civil affairs units

Strong Bonds policy changes strengthen USACAPOC(A) Families
February 2, 2021
U.S. Army Reserve Chief Warrant Officer 5 Michael A. Rich (left) speaks as Soldiers and Families of the U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) meet for a Strong Bonds training event in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Aug. 25-26, 2018.

Civil Affairs Soldiers deliver Christmas gifts, good cheer in Bucharest
December 28, 2020
Civil Affairs Soldiers deliver Christmas gifts, good cheer in Bucharest

USACAPOC(A) Ministry Team Leverages Virtual Focus to Maximize Opportunity For Annual UMT Training
September 23, 2020
U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Monika L. Patterson and Sgt. 1st Class Shawn T. Kilgore, religious affairs specialists with the U.S. Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command, provide network support, coordination and leadership during mandatory annual Unit Ministry Team (UMT) training for chaplains and religious affairs Soldiers for USACAPOC(A) and its subordinate commands during virtual annual training, Aug. 4 – 7, 2020. USACAPOC(A) ministry teams across the U.S. took part in the advanced UMT training, designed to prepare unit team members with the tools necessary to meet the challenges of working in today’s diffused ministry environment, and enable USACAPOC(A) UMTs to meet new USARC ministry standards ahead of schedule. (U.S. Army Photo by Maj. Sean D. Delpech)

'Just completely different' 59-year-old BCT graduate reflects on the experience
September 14, 2020
'Just completely different' 59-year-old BCT graduate reflects on the experience

Civil Affairs Soldiers Prep for Mobilization at Fort McCoy
July 15, 2020
Soldiers from the 432nd Civil Affairs Battalion work at a civil military operations center as part of the cumulative training exercise July 14, 2020, in preparation for an upcoming overseas deployment. These Soldiers are some of the first to begin in-person training following the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Defense.

353rd CACOM conducts virtual change of command
April 22, 2020
353RD CACOM conducts virtual change of command

411th Civil Affairs Battalion Soldiers, Rwandan officials assess health practices at Rwandan border posts
March 6, 2020
CJTF-HOA’s 411th CA, RDF assess health practices at Rwandan border posts

411th Civil Affairs Battalion, Rwandan officials partner for veterinary ‘One Health’ Assessment
March 5, 2020
411th Civil Affairs Battalion, Rwandan officials partner for veterinary ‘One Health’ Assessment