Tag: 63rd readiness division

Fort Hunter Liggett Soldiers, civilians undergo Media 101 Training
November 2, 2018
Fort Hunter Liggett Soldiers, civilians undergo Media 101 Training

Top-notch NCOs strive for the Sergeant Audie Murphy Award
September 21, 2018
Top-Notch NCOs strive for the Sergeant Audie Murphy Award

The strength, drive and determination of an Army Reserve Soldier
August 7, 2018
Strength, drive and determination of an Army Reserve Soldier

Readiness Divisions Collaborate to Achieve Effects in Army Reserve Readiness
July 25, 2018
Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Reinert, 88th Readiness Division commanding general, listens to discussions between the 88th RD command team along with the command teams of the 81st Readiness Division and U.S. Army Reserve Command, as well as key staff from the 63rd RD and 99th RD, during the annual Mission Readiness Review (MR2) at the 88th RD headquarters on Fort McCoy, Wis., July 11 and 12.

Army Reserve Soldiers going extra mile - Sgt. Audie Murphy Club
June 11, 2018
Army Reserve Soldiers Going the Extra Mile - Sgt. Audie Murphy Club