Tag: California

645th ICTC competes in DA Connelly Competition
July 6, 2020
645th ICTC competes in DA Connelly Competition

6-52 Theatre Fixed Wing Battalion conducts change of command via teleconference amid COVID-19 pandemic
June 9, 2020
Lt. Col. Patrick L. Pollak

‘Pop-up’ training tests installation's support capabilities
June 1, 2020
‘Pop-up’ training tests installation's support capabilities

Space and Missile Systems Center engineer, Army Reserve Soldier competes in Olympic trials
May 26, 2020
Space and Missile Systems Center engineer, Army Reserve Soldier competes in Olympic trials

311th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) conducts its first Virtual Battle Assembly
May 12, 2020
311th ESC conducts its first Virtual Battle Assembly

Installations ready for COVID-19 fight
April 22, 2020
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett/Parks Reserve Forces Training Area

Army Reserve Soldier graduates newly formed Senior Gunner Course with top honors
February 27, 2020
Army Reserve Soldier graduates newly formed Senior Gunner Course with top honors

Psychological operations — Lessons learned
January 2, 2020
Psychological Operations -- Lessons Learned

Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen train to save lives at Camp Parks
September 23, 2019
Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen train to save lives at Camp Parks

U.S. Army Reserve veterinarians enhance skills with Guatemalan partners during Beyond the Horizon 19
June 27, 2019
U.S. Army Reserve veterinarians enhance skills with Guatemalan partners during Beyond the Horizon 19