Tag: readiness

7218th MSU transfers authority to 7251st MSU at Fort Bliss
May 23, 2018
7218th MSU transfers authority to 7251st MSU at Fort Bliss

Army Reserve senior gunners certified at Cold Steel
May 22, 2018
Army Reserve senior gunners certified at Cold Steel

Army components bolster relations through engineer project
May 21, 2018
Army components bolster relations through engineer project

New Bridge Erection Boats provide more power and maneuverability to US Army Reserve Engineers
May 10, 2018
Sgt. 1st Class John Reyes, 102d Training Division (MS) 12C instructor, goes over the M30 Bridge Erection Boat during training on the new equipment at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

Albuquerque Army Reserve unit mobilizes for medical SRP mission
May 5, 2018
Albuquerque Army Reserve unit mobilizes for medical SRP mission

On the road to awesome: An interview with LTG Charles D. Luckey
May 2, 2018
LTG Luckey participates in Fort McCoy training

Army Reserve Best Warriors Forged by Physical, Mental Competition
April 15, 2018
Staff Sgt. Ethan Kruger, with the Camp Parks Noncommissioned Officer Academy,  83rd U.S. Army Reserve Readiness Training Center, 100th Training Division, makes jumping logs look easy as he maneuvers through the obstacle course at the 80th Training Command's 2018 Best Warrior Competition at Fort Knox, Kentucky, April 14, 2018.  His sponsor (background) stays with Kruger throughout the entire competition. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Maj. Addie Leonhardt, 80th Training Command)

Competing and instructing goes hand-in-hand
April 15, 2018
Staff Sgt. Paris Bledsoe, assigned to the 5th Brigade Health Services, 94th Training Division – Force Sustainment, jumps over multiple raised logs in the obstacle course portion of the 80th Training Command's 2018 Best Warrior Competition at Fort Knox, Kentucky, April 14, 2018. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Maj. Addie Leonhardt, 80th Training Command)

‘Light me up:’ Soldiers power through Interior Electrician training
April 9, 2018
(Right) Staff Sgt. William Smith, a 102nd Training Division instructor, teaches Sgt. Taylor Crutchfield, with the 226th Maneuvering Enhancement Brigade, electrical circuitry during the 12R Interior Electrician course at The Army School System Training Center Dix, New Jersey, March 29, 2018.

USARC’s Regional Medic Bridge CSTX does more than ready medical forces; it prepares them for the collective mission and survivability
April 3, 2018
USARC’s Regional Medic Bridge CSTX prepares for the collective mission and survivability