Tag: 3d Medical Command (Deployment Support)

Tactical Combat Casualty Care for Military Working Dogs
October 6, 2021
Capt. Elizabeth Fish, 64A - Field Veterinary Service Officer with the 147th Med. Det. (Vet Srvc) provided training in Tactical Combat Casualty Care, basic triage, and advanced treatment and stabilization of Military Working Dogs as part of a joint Army Reserve and Air Reserve training event at the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station.

1st Lt. Savannah Lee
May 20, 2021
“When I was in China, there was no chance I could serve in the military; I didn’t know the right people, I didn’t come from the right family, I wasn’t the right height, I did not have the right eyesight or look,” said, 1st Lt. Savannah Lee of the 3d Medical Command (Deployment Support).

Growing Up Fast and Answering ‘Your Calling’
May 20, 2021
Spc. Jennifer Liriano

Different Missions, Same Goal of Soldier Support
February 4, 2021
For Army Chaplains like Fincher, resiliency is a way to strengthen the spirit. Regardless of their individual beliefs, Ch. Fincher supports Soldiers mobilized in COVID-19 relief, by finding commonality of life experiences, revival and persistence.

Covid Response at University Hospital Saved Lives and Changed Soldiers
October 5, 2020
UAMTF 332-1 expanded the ability of University Hospital to tend to all patients, to include COVID-19 positive patients, as they worked together to combat the spread of the virus and care for those patients requiring supportive medical care.

UAMTFs Support Change and Improved Patient Health
August 10, 2020
Embedding a Quality Improvement Officer within the Task Force’s Command and Clinical Operations structure helped strengthen the integration of the UAMTF 804-1 soldiers into Queens Hospital Center (QHC) and its staff. This model facilitated close collaboration with the QHC leadership and proved indispensable to formulate, obtain buy-in, coordinate and enact quality of care measures to the benefit of the hospital’s patients and Force Health Protection. Prone positioning was just one of several quality improvement projects that the Task Force promoted and helped put into action.

Medical logistics team behind IRT secures efficiency savings
March 9, 2020
The MCS Team conducted Logistics MOS sustainment training directly contributing to the timely delivery of Class VIII to the IRT Program and prompt submission of required MEDLOG reports.

Army Reserve Soldiers Opportunity to Shine at Sundance
February 3, 2020
Maj. Satomi Mack-Martin, a 3d Medical Command (Deployment Support) TPU Soldier, attended the 2020 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, for the world premiere of Miss

TeamSTEPPS helps turn a team of experts into an expert team
January 14, 2020
946th and 936th Forward Surgical Teams advance communication in preparation for upcoming deployments is completing TeamSTEPPS training at the Mayo Multidisciplinary Simulation Center in Rochester, Minn.

Patient Admin Supports World-Wide Soldier Mobility
December 23, 2019
Capt. Felicia Gilliand worked with liaisons from Canada, Romania, and Australia who wrote their own SOP's explaining how the US can facilitate moving their Service Members. “This SOP also covers troop movement to a US Role IV facility and steps to get service members to their home country, said Gilliland, adding, “These small intricacies of PAD downrange can be the difference between life and death of a patient.”