Tag: transportation

Operation Tin Man: Strengthening unit transportation readiness
June 16, 2023
Operation Tin Man: Strengthening unit transportation readiness

Soldiers share experiences with WAREX 78-22-02
August 3, 2022
Soldiers share experiences with WAREX 78-22-02

Unsung heroes: Transportation support at Warrior Exercise
July 28, 2022
Unsung heroes: Transportation support at Warrior Exercise

Tough ‘Ombres convoy to Canada
April 7, 2022
Tough ‘Ombres convoy to Canada

Driver’s training adds seasoning to transportation company
May 6, 2021
Driver’s training adds seasoning to transportation company

Fueling Defender Europe 20-plus: Bartonville Army Reserve Soldiers delivering fuel, supplies in Poland
May 18, 2020
Fueling Defender Europe 20-plus: Bartonville Army Reserve Soldiers delivering fuel and supplies in Poland

Lane training provides a path to mission proficiency
August 21, 2019
Lane training provides a path to mission proficiency

58th Transportation Battalion re-patching ceremony aligns under 94th Training Division
August 12, 2019
Col. Keith Barta, commander of the 2nd Brigade, 94th Training Division-Force Sustainment, speaks at the 58th Transportation Battalion's re-patching ceremony held at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, on June 21, 2019. Once part of the 3rd Chemical Brigade, the 58th TB is an Army Active Duty unit stationed at Fort Leonard Wood. The 58th TB now falls under the 2nd Brigade, 94th TD, under the 80th Training Command (TASS). (Photos by Maj. Ebony Gay, 94th Training Division-Force Sustainment, Public Affairs)

America’s Sustainment Brigade “Fights Fast” at CPX-F
March 29, 2019
America’s Sustainment Brigade “Fights Fast” at CPX-F

250th transportation Soldiers haul equipment from California to Canada
June 11, 2018
250th transportation Soldiers haul equipment from California to Canada