Tag: deployment

Montana Army Reserve Soldiers reflect on year in Poland
July 27, 2020
Montana Army Reserve Soldiers reflect on year in Poland

Civil Affairs Soldiers Prep for Mobilization at Fort McCoy
July 15, 2020
Soldiers from the 432nd Civil Affairs Battalion work at a civil military operations center as part of the cumulative training exercise July 14, 2020, in preparation for an upcoming overseas deployment. These Soldiers are some of the first to begin in-person training following the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Defense.

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers case their colors, prepare for deployment
January 27, 2020
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers case their colors, prepare for deployment

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers answer call to deliver mail on deployment
January 2, 2020
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers answer call to deliver mail on deployment

Ceremony marks start of deployment for Army Reserve unit
December 2, 2019
Ceremony marks departure of Army Reserve unit

Army Reserve, California Guard come together for Yellow Ribbon event
November 26, 2019
Army Reserve, California Guard come together for Yellow Ribbon event

Third time's a charm: Twin brothers deploy together again
November 1, 2019
Third Time Is a Charm - Twin Brothers Deploy Together Again

652nd RSG becomes first U.S. Army Reserve unit conducting base operations In Poland
September 9, 2019
652nd RSG becomes first U.S. Army Reserve unit conducting base operations In Poland

We Are Here To Help
August 14, 2019
We Are Here To Help

Owasso soldier logs miles and memories in Iraq
August 14, 2019
Owasso soldier logs miles and memories in Iraq