Tag: 377th Sustainment Command

Ordnance company trains at ammunition supply point
April 4, 2022
Ordnance company trains at ammunition supply point

Army Reserve Soldiers modernize logistics center in COVID-19 fight
July 20, 2020
Army Reserve Soldiers modernize logistics center in COVID-19 fight

Army Reserve Sustainment Command hosts first virtual Strong Bonds event amidst COVID-19 restrictions
July 6, 2020

Army Sustainment Command - Army Reserve Element deploys integration cell for COVID-19 response
July 6, 2020

A Soldier's Journey
April 10, 2020
A Soldier's Journey

77th Sustainment Brigade: Lighting path for future sustainment operations in CENTCOM AOR
February 13, 2020
77th Sustainment Brigade

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers answer call to deliver mail on deployment
January 2, 2020
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers answer call to deliver mail on deployment

Ceremony marks start of deployment for Army Reserve unit
December 2, 2019
Ceremony marks departure of Army Reserve unit

645th Regional Support Command Soldiers compete in Best Warrior Competition
November 12, 2019
645th Regional Support Group Best Warrior Competition

Lane training provides a path to mission proficiency
August 21, 2019
Lane training provides a path to mission proficiency