Tag: reenlistment

Army Reserve brothers continue family legacy in Europe
October 22, 2024
Army Reserve brothers continue family legacy in Europe

Soldiers Reenlist, Jump and Sing at the Chicago Bears Salute to Service Game
November 16, 2023
Soldiers Reenlist, Jump and Sing at the Chicago Bears Salute to Service Game

Cape Girardeau, Missouri native and 647th Regional Support Group (Forward) Soldier re-enlists in the United States Army Reserve
May 4, 2021

Chicago Army Reserve Soldier re-enlists at her favorite sports team field
June 28, 2019
Sgt. Maribel Meraz, assigned to the 85th U.S. Army Reserve Support Command, headquartered in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, states the Oath of Enlistment at Gallagher Way, adjacent to the Chicago Cubs Wrigley Field, June 27, 2019, for a third six-years in the Army Reserve.