Tag: Energy Action Month

U.S. Army Reserve Observes Energy Action Month
October 1, 2024
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Fort Hunter Liggett (FHL) hosted a groundbreaking microgrid ribbon cutting ceremony. The event was narrated by FHL’s Deputy Commander Lt. Col. Amorris Conley, who introduced Garrison Commander Col. Stephen Trotter, Brig. Gen. Christopher W. Cook, Deputy Commanding General of the 63rd Readiness Division, and Col. Chad W, Caldwell of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District. Each speaker delivered remarks highlighting the significance of the ceremony and expressing gratitude to the distinguished visitors and attendees. King City Mayor Mike LeBarre presented a proclamation recognizing Fort Hunter Liggett’s achievements in advancing the microgrid project. Among the distinguished guests were Commissioner Noemi Gallardo of the California Energy Commission, Mr. Stephen Sullivan, CFO and Director for Resources, Installations and Materiel, Office of the Chief of Army Reserve, and the Honorable Rachel Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment. The ceremony concluded with a ribbon cutting, a microgrid demonstration, lunch at the Warrior Restaurant, and a windshield tour of the installation. (Photo L to R: Brig. Gen. Christopher W. Cook, Deputy Commanding General of the 63rd Readiness Division, Honorable Rachel Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment, Fort Hunter Liggett Garrison Commander, Col. Stephen Trotter)

Army Reserve Leans Forward With 10 Emerging Technology Projects to Support Army of 2030
August 7, 2023
A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory staff member checks an ultrasonic flow meter at B.T. Collins Army Reserve Center in Sacramento, CA. The site is home to a phase change material pilot and an HVAC testbed for controls systems diagnostic tools.

Parks Reserve Forces Training Area Focuses on Resilient Energy
July 31, 2023
Parks Reserve Forces Training Area leadership and personnel, staff from Army Reserve Installation Management Directorate, and technical partners cut a ribbon to commemorate the installation of seven electric vehicle dual port charging stations on the installation.

People First as Fort Hunter Liggett Repaired Water Main Break
October 19, 2022
1st Sgt. Andy Neal (left) and Maj. Christopher Layton (right) help deliver water buffalos for the Fort Hunter Liggett community during water main repairs in August 2022.

Army Reserve highlights “Energy Action Month” with energy independence
October 29, 2020

Devens Reserve Forces Training Area (RFTA) develops program to divert food waste into energy through anaerobic digestion
October 2, 2020

Army Reserve kicks off Energy Action Month
October 4, 2019