Tag: 88th Readiness Division

Engineers Go Vertical: Troop Project Enhances Training Capabilities for LTA
August 2, 2018
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers from the 317th Engineer Company, out of Homewood, Ill., assemble metal sections on a 4,000 square foot Quonset hut at Joliet Training Area, in Elwood, Ill., as part of a Troop Support Project during their Annual Training, July 18.

Readiness Divisions Collaborate to Achieve Effects in Army Reserve Readiness
July 25, 2018
Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Reinert, 88th Readiness Division commanding general, listens to discussions between the 88th RD command team along with the command teams of the 81st Readiness Division and U.S. Army Reserve Command, as well as key staff from the 63rd RD and 99th RD, during the annual Mission Readiness Review (MR2) at the 88th RD headquarters on Fort McCoy, Wis., July 11 and 12.

Warren G. Harding Celebrated During Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony
July 22, 2018
Each year, a wreath is placed at the tomb of former President Warren G. Harding and his wife Florence, on behalf of the current president.

Fort McCoy Draw Yard Assists Training Units
July 19, 2018
The 88th Readiness Division-operated Fort McCoy Draw Yard provides vehicles and equipment to Soldiers conducting training at Fort McCoy. As the summer exercise season continues, the Draw Yard is busy supporting a variety of exercises around the installation.

Strong Bonds program serves single Soldiers, too
July 5, 2018
Strong Bonds: Portland

Are you ready? 88th RD helps families prepare for deployment
July 5, 2018
Are you ready? 88th RD helps families prepare for deployment

88th Readiness Division commander wears two hats
June 1, 2018
Maj. Gen. Patrick Reinert, Fort McCoy senior commander and 88th Readiness Division commanding general (right) and Col. David Pinter, Fort McCoy garrison commander (left) conduct an aerial tour of the extensive training capabilities provided by the Range Complex on Fort McCoy, Wis., May 23.

Strategic planning meeting brings readiness division, geographic partners together
May 25, 2018
Strategic Planning Meeting Brings Readiness Division, Geographic Partners Together

Stories of Asian-American and Pacific Islander heritage shared at Fort McCoy
May 23, 2018
Major, American Samoan shares story at Fort McCoy Asian-American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month observance

Medal of Honor recipient speaks at Fort McCoy Community Salute
May 21, 2018
88th Readiness Division