Maintenance specialist does her part in the Army Reserve with enthusiasm
July 23, 2018
Maintenance specialist plays her part with enthusiasm

Cadets rappel into the future under the guidance of U.S. Army Reserve NCOs
July 23, 2018
Cadets rappel into the future under the guidance of U.S. Army Reserve NCOs

Warren G. Harding Celebrated During Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony
July 22, 2018
Each year, a wreath is placed at the tomb of former President Warren G. Harding and his wife Florence, on behalf of the current president.

U.S. Army Reserve NCOs bring civilian skills to ROTC cadet summer training
July 20, 2018
U.S. Army Reserve NCOs bring civilian skills to ROTC cadet summer training

658th RSG dedicates Reserve Center to Col. Young-Oak Kim
July 20, 2018
658th RSG dedicates Reserve Center to Col. Young-Oak Kim

Ready Force X unit battles fire, elements in tough training
July 20, 2018
900th QM pushes through tough training in California

MPs get hands on medical training
July 20, 2018
MPs get hands on medical training

MCTs: Force behind the fight
July 20, 2018
MCTs: Force behind the fight

Watercraft operators: What it takes to command the sea
July 19, 2018
Watercraft Operators – What it Takes to Command the Sea

Fort McCoy Draw Yard Assists Training Units
July 19, 2018
The 88th Readiness Division-operated Fort McCoy Draw Yard provides vehicles and equipment to Soldiers conducting training at Fort McCoy. As the summer exercise season continues, the Draw Yard is busy supporting a variety of exercises around the installation.