Category: Cold Steel

Updated PMI&E Training Resources
March 23, 2021
Updated Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction & Evaluation guides for all issue Army small arms equipment can be downloaded at

Soldier Represents Army Reserve at Florida Championship Event
January 27, 2021
LTC Koh shoots his personal PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) at the Florida Sectional Championship. He represented the Army Reserve at this event on his own time and at his own expense.

FAQs: COVID-19 impact to the U.S. Army Reserve
December 22, 2020

New simulations buildings at Fort McCoy mean improved capability for training
May 21, 2020
New simulations buildings at Fort McCoy mean improved capability for training

Remote Training During COVID-19
March 31, 2020
Michelle Adams uses a SCATT trainer to practice - at home while wearing pajamas. Simulations devices allow remote Postal Match opportunities and training options when conditions prevent congregating.

Local Unit Readiness Creates All Army Success
March 19, 2020
Team Coach Sgt. 1st Class Rosendorn instructs the 3-335th TSBn Soldiers prior to a stage of fire. "Team Blackhawks" took first place among the other Army Reserve teams.

Local Competition Heightens Soldier Readiness, Retention
January 28, 2020
Local events enhance #RetentionViaReadiness

Local competition aids readiness, retention
December 17, 2019
Action shooting tests skills relevant to Soldier readiness. Commanders encouraging Soldier participation find it also enhances retention rates as well.

EST, Postal Match Enforces Retention, Training
November 6, 2019
EST, Postal Match Enforces Retention, Training

Small Arms Trainer Course Proof of Principle
May 29, 2019
The Small Arms Training Academy (SATA) at Fort McCoy is conducting a Proof of Principal class for small arms training coursework on 16 to 29 June.