Category: 311th ESC, 79th Theater Sustainment Command, 311th Expeditionary Sustainment Command

103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) conducts convoy mounted preliminary marksmanship instructions
February 24, 2021
103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) conducts convoy mounted preliminary marksmanship instructions

California Army Reserve troops take on quarantine mission in Central Texas
January 29, 2021
California Army Reserve troops take on quarantine mission in Central Texas

FAQs: COVID-19 Vaccine
January 12, 2021

Army Reserve Soldier discusses service and Sikh religion
January 12, 2021

FAQs: COVID-19 impact to the U.S. Army Reserve
December 22, 2020

483rd TTB conducts Best Warrior Competition at Mare Island
December 21, 2020
483rd TTB conducts Best Warrior Competition at Mare Island

364th ESC Soldiers complete first ACFT in COVID environment
December 2, 2020

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers coined for lifting base morale during COVID-19
December 2, 2020

Soldiers from the 155th CSSB attend Airborne Course
November 9, 2020
Soldiers from the 155th CSSB attend airborne course

Leaders prepare Soldiers to combat the flu on Camp Arifjan
November 9, 2020
Leaders prepare Soldiers to combat the flu on Camp Arifjan