BLACKBOARD REGISTRATION. This course requires students to register for a Blackboard account. Blackboard is the primary medium used by students to access and navigate course material. This includes submitting assignments, reviewing course readings, and taking exams. You will receive a separate e-mail with blackboard registration instructions specifically for the class you are registered in.
IN-PROCESSING. Soldiers WILL REPORT @ 1300 hours to building 5516, Sever Ave, Joint Base MDL, NJ, 08640, 1st floor, on Report Date. If you are running late due to unforeseen travel issues, contact the course manager at (609) 850-9659 and you will receive instructions for obtaining your room key and linen.
Soldiers traveling from OCONUS or unable to reserve a flight to meet the required report time will need to travel the day prior. On-base lodging can be reserved through the Air Force Inn by calling (609) 754-4667/(609) 288-7901 or website @ Soldiers can include this one day of lodging to their DTS request. Barracks will be available, but not directed, for the duration of the class.There is no provision for early arrivals.
Uniform for in-processing is the Army Physical Fitness Uniform (APFU); see paragraph 14 for summer/winter dates. Soldiers must report in APFU, authorized socks, and running shoes for the height and weight screening. Ensure you are wearing the APFU t-shirt (short-sleeve) and trunks under your pants and jacket for the height/weight screening.
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR IN-PROCESSING. Students will hand-carry hard copies of the following documents for in-processing:
a. Pre-Execution Checklist (PEC). All students will bring a completed PEC for in-processing (signed by the student and their commander).
b. Three (3) copies of school orders (Applies to NG M-DAY and USAR TPU Soldiers). NG M-DAY or USAR TPU Soldiers who report without orders for the duration of the course WILL NOT be allowed to in-process and will be denied enrollment to the course.
c. Three (3) copies of DD 1610.
d. One copy of Senior Leader Course (SLC) or ANCOC DA Form 1059.
e. One copy of SSD-4 completion certificate.
f. One copy of promotion order to current rank.
g. Two copies of a permanent profile. Any physical limitations must be annotated on a Military Medical Profile Form DA 3349. Profiles must be current in E-Profile. Civilian medical notes will not be accepted.
h. Current ID/Common Access Card (CAC).
i. Home unit and major command information: Bring Unit POC Address/Phone Number/Email Address and MACOM POC Address, Phone/Number/Email Address.
j. Two copies of flight itinerary (for RAPID ROVER coordination on graduation day).
k. Student Data Card.
l. Last page of the Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP), signed and dated.
m. DA 4856 (Unauthorized tattoo/branding) – Soldiers with an unauthorized tattoo/branding not IAW AR 670-1 will provide a DA 4856 (Developmental Counseling Form) signed by the unit commander showing an annual check was performed and a corrective action plan has been initiated. The DA 4856 is only required if documents are not in the Soldier’s iPERMS.
NOTE. Students who fail to meet prerequisite requirements during in-processing will have 72-hours (business days) to correct deficiencies (does not apply to NG M-DAY or USAR TPU Soldiers not on military training orders). After 72-hours, students with remaining deficiencies will be removed administratively from the course; their unit and first General Officer will be notified.