Congratulations on your selection for the Noncommissioned Officer Academy Fort McCoy Basic Leader Course. This course is conducted at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin as a resident learning course.
Update for January 2023: All BLC students will be required to graduate in AGSU or ASU. It is on the individual Soldier to ensure proper fit and wear before arrival to BLC. If the Soldier has not been issued a dress uniform, a memorandum signed by their commander stating this is required for in-processing. For AC and USAR Specialists who will be laterally appointed to Corporal and are graduating in ASU, arrive with your uniform sewn with CPL rank and the ASU gold trouser braid added to your trousers. For AC and USAR Specialist who will be laterally appointed to Corporal and are graduating in AGSU, arrive with CPL rank sewn on your jacket.
BASIC LEADER COURSE OVERVIEW: The Basic Leader Course is a 22-academic-day, MOS immaterial course consisting of 169 academic hours. It prepares sergeants, promotable specialists/corporals, and non-promotable specialists/corporals to lead team/squad sized elements; provides the foundation for further training and development; and builds functional leadership attributes and competencies.
BASIC LEADER COURSE WELCOME LETTER AND PACKET: Please read the entire welcome letter and complete all of the attached enclosures within the file. While most requirements will be the same from class to class, please ensure you adhere to the guidance in the welcome packet for the class you will be attending. To see all of the enclosures, you must download the .pdf onto your computer and open the file with Adobe.
The downloadable file here is the BLC Welcome Letter Class 003-25 (download here).
The downloadable file here is the BLC ENCL 01 Course Enrollment Requirements 003-25 (download here).
The downloadable file here is the BLC ENCL 02 In-processing Documents 003-25 (download here).
The downloadable file here is the BLC ENCL 03 Packing List 003-25 (download here).
The downloadable file here is the BLC ENCL 04 BLC ISAP 2.0 003-25 (download here).
The downloadable file here is the BLC ENCL 05 Academy Maps 003-25 (download here).
The downloadable file here is the BLC ENCL 06 Individual Training Tasks 003-25 (download here).
The downloadable file here is the BLC ENCL 07 Service Uniform Memo 003-25 (download here).
The downloadable file here is the BLC ENCL 08 OCIE Memo 003-25 (download here)
LODGING: All students will reside in the academy barracks at no cost to the unit or Soldier.
REPORTING TO THE ACADEMY: Report between the hours of 1000-2200 CST. Location for in-processing is Building 1361 South O. Street, Fort McCoy, WI 54656. Students driving need to report between 1000 - 1900 CST and students flying must report between 1000 - 2300 CST.
Hand carry hard copies of your orders or DD Form 1610, Common Access Card, ID tags, course specific required paperwork (found in the welcome packet), and packing list items. Late arrivals past 2300 CST are not authorized without prior approval. Failure to report prior to 2300 CST may be grounds for denied enrollment and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
HEIGHT AND WEIGHT: Be prepared to conduct a height and weight screening in accordance with AR 600-9. Students that fail to meet the initial screening will remain in the course and given a second screening at a later time (no less than seven days). Students who fail their second screening will be dropped from the course and will receive “Failed to Achieve Course Standards,” on their DA Form 1059 (Service School Academic Report).
STANDARDS AND DISCIPLINE: Uniform and grooming standards in accordance with Army Regulation 670-1 (Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia) are strictly enforced. It is the Soldier’s responsibility to ensure wear and appearance reflects the highest level of professionalism. Students who do not meet the Army wear and appearance standards will make necessary corrections or provide documentation of an approved exception to policy prior to in-processing. Soldiers who fail to make such corrections or produce documentation will not be allowed to in-process and will be denied enrollment.
The ACFT will be taken during this class and is a graduation requirement. Review the ACFT grading standards and scores that you need to attain a minimum of 60 points in each event based on your age and gender. Soldiers who fail the initial ACFT will be given no less than 7 days to prepare for a re-test. Failure of the re-test will result in a dismissal from the course and a DA Form 1059 annotated in block 11d, "Failed to Achieve Course Standards."
QUESTIONS: Direct questions and concerns about the course to the Operations NCO and/or BLC Chief of Training. During off duty hours contact the Staff Duty NCO. While travelling to the academy, contact the Staff Duty NCO for all issues, especially travel delays. Failure to report or reporting after in-processing will be coded as a “no-show” in ATRRS.